Ben's blog

Digg It

Hey. I know a lot of you have been reviewing us on itunes. That is awesome. Those of you who have not, can not, or already have can still give us major props by "Digg"ing the episodes.

T-shirts and Buttons and Stickers - oh my!

So we have been working hard on merch for you guys. If you haven't noticed, and how could you not have noticed, on the front page there is a pole asking what size shirts we should make.

Not All That Important

So not to take away from all the Smash Bros goodness or Arvin's awesome blog entry about the update to the sight, both of which you should read, if you haven't, by going to the blog page, but I promis

The Things I Do

Hey everyone. It is late at night for me, but I don't have school or work in the morning so I thought I should take some time to give back to all the awesome viewers and contributors we have.

Proven Right Yet Again

So yesterday I had exactly 24 minutes before I had to go to class. Not a lot of time to do much of anything. I had everything ready to go, all I had to do was put on my coat and head out the door.

Can't be outdone!

So Arvin is going to have a surprise for the next podcast eh? Well maybe on the following podcast I'm going to have a bigger surprise! What do you think about that?

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