What's this all about?

There are a number of Wii/Nintendo websites and podcasts popping up as the popularity of the system grows. We consider ourselves to be different from the pack. By providing a podcast that is simple, fun and informative.

Podcast Format

Our podcast format is simple, each episode we cover four different sections as outlined below.

  • Wiik in review: The panel briefly outline the best and most interesting news stories since the last episode. This includes breaking news, interesting articles, release dates, mods, hacks, etc.
  • Wii Report: Each member of the panel selects a particular news story to talk about in greater detail. Fielding questions from the rest of the panel and outlining their thoughts.
  • Wii teach you: Each episode features a guide or tutorial on how to hack, mod, extend, or use new features that are capable with the Wii.
  • Discussion Group: Our panel discusses a particular topic chosen from either our panel or user submitted emails.
  • Bash the PS3: We despise the PS3, and every episode we'll give you another reason why it just plain sucks.

Our Panel

Arvin is an old school gamer who got out of gaming in the late 90's to turn to computers, the internet and multi-media. Thankfully Nintendo has pulled him back into gaming courtesy of the Wii. »» read Arvin's blog
English major and would be space pilot Ben has had such illustrious achievements as radio news reporting and having some (not so good) poetry published. The Wii has been the gateway back into the gaming community for Ben. »» read Ben's blog

Thanks and Shoutouts

Thanks to the drupal community for putting out a kick ass CMS. Thanks to inokeerrati for our fantastic musical intro. And of course thank you to Nintendo for the Wii.

We encourage feedback so please drop us a line in our contact section, or send us an email to wiiliketopodcast [at] gmail.com