Did you know YouTube Was a Thing?

2011 was a long time ago. It was also the last time I made a post on this site. At the time I believed that no more would come from the good old days. Boy was I wrong. There may not be anyone coming anymore, but just in case, I thought I'd make a new post.

Here is 2017, ten years since the launch of WLTP, we are doing something again. By we, I mean Arvin and myself. Coming on February 26th, at 2pm, we will be doing an anniversary live cast. In the mean time, we've put all the old videos on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQw5U-QEQOkp-ifaMeQvthw) complete with an all new and terrible trailer video.

Also in the works is a new venture from the two of us. We'll be giving more information during the live cast, so watching that is a good idea. There is a facebook page for it here (https://www.facebook.com/events/1031088300329500/) so join that too!

In the mean time, I have a website where I've been posting weekly blogs for four years now. I'm up to 218 blog posts, so you can sink a ton of time into it, if you like. (www.benvandongen.com).

One last thing, I have a book too. I released it with a friend of mine who isn't Arvin. I actually have a couple of those.

I think that's all for now. Check out all those things.

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