Wii Like to Podcast 10th Anniversary Special

Wii like to podcast 10th Anniversary Special

Wii Like To Podcast is back! Kind of. If you missed our 10th Anniversary Live Show Spectacular, it’s okay! We’re sorry you couldn’t see it live, but it’s still available on YouTube along with all the original episodes including the Wii Teach You segments.

For now that’s the only big update we have for WLTP, but we’re thrilled to share our new audio podcast with you. Flags and High Fives is a documentary style retrospective of the show that, a decade ago, rocked a little corner of the internet. In eight episodes Arvin and Ben take you through the birth, evolution, and premature death of their beloved show.

Flags and High Fives

Visit the website and sign up for the newsletter to get the most up to date info and releases.

We loved our time making Wii Like To Podcast and miss our friends and followers from those good old days. We may have let the first podcast fade away, but Flags and High Fives is our first step to bring back some of the magic.

Visit Arvin’s website to get his medium posts and to see all the cool things he’s up to.

Visit Ben’s website to see his weekly blog and get info on his books.