WTY Idea

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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Ok anyway, I have an idea for a Wii Teach You for Arvin, and that would be figuring out how to get SSBB screenshots on your computer. I've tried, because I have an SD card that they are saved on and a card converter, but when I open the G: Drive to get the files, my computed does not recognize the format. I don't want to do any damage to the screenshots, but I can't seem to find a program that will either convert the file or present it, Arvin if you could find a way to do so, that would be awesome. If it has any significance whatsoever, the files are .bin.

P.S. Yes I did mention this in another topic, but I doubt that I fully explained it.

Cheers :)

Mjr. Shigg
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w00t, that would be sweet, because i still haven't figured out how to send brawl snapshots/stages over wifi yet...

I am smiling...

duksandfish's picture
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Easiest way i can think of is to hook your wii up to one of those dazzle things (compostite to usb) and then do a screenprint while veiwing the screenshot

duksandfish's picture
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um also get winace and see if you can do anything with that to the .bin files

Cheesy142's picture
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Can you send it to your e-mail address?

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