The new WTY

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duksandfish's picture
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So, i don't have a mac but i still found it interesting, Better than glovepie in most aspects apart from the no analouge stick suport.
Secondly, what screencapture softwre were you using? It let you ZOOM IN while capturing!!!!!1! Does it work on a pc?
Finally, why nesticle, virtuaNES owns it 10:1, especially when TASing.
Anyway thanks for th WTY, and I can't wait for the next episode of WLTP

Arvin's picture
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The Screen capture software is called ScreenFlow. It's a Mac only software. The interesting thing about it is that it records everything at once so I was recording the screen, the audio and the video of me all at the same time. It has an extremely robust editing interface that allows you to zoom pan and do tonnes of other stuff.

The NES emulator I used is Nestopia not Nesticle. The reason I didn't use anything else is because virtuaNES isn't on the Mac. So everything done on this episode was entirely on the Mac.

LegosJedi's picture
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Sorry for the bump.

That's sweet software, Arvin. I would totally get it if I had the money, and if I didn't already have Snapz Pro X from Ambrosia Software. Were you using the full version of ScreenFlow, or just a demo?