The Homebrew Channel

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brawler9686's picture
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I was wondering does anyone here have the homebrew channel on thier wii. If you do can you anwser some questions.

1. Have you had any problems with your wii since you downloaded it?
2. Does it cancel your warranty on your wii?
3. Is it worth downloading?
4. Any other opinions/ideas/anything?

Steve's picture
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all i know is that superosonicpwns and duksandfish are hack pros

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awahl's picture
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1. No
2. Yes/No
3. If you like to play with software, yes. If you don't want to mess with files and complicated architecture, no.
4. I've had lots of fun with it. There are games and media players and whole bunch of other fun things.

Here's a really good tutorial on how to install it.

And also note that Wiis bought in the past six months will not install homebrew.

Also, now instead of the Homebrew channel, you can install Boot Mii, which is includes the homebrew channel and a whole bunch of other things. It's a bit more finicky to install, though.

brawler9686's picture
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Thank you a lot!!!

brawler9686's picture
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Oh yeh but what do you mean yes/no does it or does it not cancel your warranty cause if it does and something happens to my wii my parents will flip out.

awahl's picture
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Did your parents go out of their way to get an extended warranty, if not, have you owned your Wii for a year?

PizzaLover101's picture
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is there a way to download it besides the twilight hack?

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brawler9686's picture
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PizzaLover101 wrote:
is there a way to download it besides the twilight hack?


and also my wii broke twice so the second time my parents got another two yrs for warranty.

Steve's picture
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i think they sell SD cards with the hack to hack it easiely now, don;t wuote me on it though

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now brawler, next time you die in conduit don't slam your wii off the wall, lol

brawler: but i got a warrenty!

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brawler9686's picture
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Steve wrote:

now brawler, next time you die in conduit don't slam your wii off the wall, lol

brawler: but i got a warrenty!

lOL thanks for the info though.

awahl's picture
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Pizza Lover, the other method of installing the Homebrew channel is known as Bannerbomb.

Banner bomb works with Menu system 4.0 (the last update, not the latest one, which there is no information on as of yet). The twilight hack does not work on system 4.0

Brawler, on warranty, the general idea is that softmodding your Wii should not do harm to your warranty, but Nintendo has been iffy about that. The worst that could probably happen is that Nintendo will remove the HBC from your Wii if they come in contact with, but you never know.

Refer to here:

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Steve wrote:
i think they sell SD cards with the hack to hack it easiely now, don;t wuote me on it though

That is not happening. Well, it's not happening legally, anyways. The license with which HBC is distributed forbids any sale or hosting of its files anywhere aside from here:

And for BootMii (and the same rules apply) here:

brawler9686's picture
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ok thanks a lot for your help though I might not be doing it. I don't want any thing to happen to my wii/game files.

PizzaLover101's picture
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i might do it, and if it do, i'll give it full review

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

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PizzaLover101 wrote:
i might do it, and if it do, i'll give it full review


awahl's picture
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brawler9686 wrote:
ok thanks a lot for your help though I might not be doing it. I don't want any thing to happen to my wii/game files.

The truth is that, probably, nothing will happen to either of those, probably. It does not happen often, and I mean that they are really rare, but some things can go wrong, i.e a power outage at the wrong time.

Yes, your twilight save files will go away temporarily if you go with the twilight hack, but you can back them up before hand. And with the Bannerbomb hack, those files aren't affected at all.

samus256's picture
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Here this guy explains how to install the homebrew channel and the backup launcher (plays dvds and imports) it's really easy and it takes less than 10 minutes. (unlike the twilight hack)

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