4th wii lessons now up

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duksandfish's picture
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My 4th wii lessond vid is now up, and it is *MUCH* better quality than my other ones as I am using my new camera. (old vids wer 172*120 or something, new 1 is 640*480) the link to the vid is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ODOMtF47c
and my youtube page is
My youtube page
showing off my html knowlege there lol
duksandfish's picture
100 PostsWebsite Contributor
Joined: 2008/01/11
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 43 weeks ago.

Oh yeah and I know arvin has done one just like it but this was mainly just to test my new camera

duksandfish3 (ftw)