Epic Mickey Confirmed

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spiderpig24's picture
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I would have never guessed that this would actually come out, but Epic Mickey has been confirmed by Game Informer. The new title from Warren Spector's (Deus Ex) Junction Point development studio has been confirmed to be Disney Epic Mickey. Few details are known, but the artwork is very impressive.

It was revealed by Game Informers November issue:

When gameinformer.com first revealed the news the website stated the game was a Wii exclusive:

"The November cover is indeed, Disney Epic Mickey, coming exclusively to the Nintendo Wii from Junction Point and Disney Interactive Studios."

However, this was later changed to remove any mention of platforms:

"The November cover is indeed, Disney Epic Mickey, coming from Junction Point and Disney Interactive Studios."

All rumours had pointed to Wii exclusivity.

Expect lots more info on the title over on www.gameinformer.com in the coming weeks.

Chyeah man
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Its something about Mickey has to fix the world with his paintbrush. Should be interesting to see how they use the Wiimote on this one now that we have Wii Motion plus.

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I'll have to wait on the review to see if I'll buy it or rent it.

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since im a disney geek, ill have to buy it... im classic disney btw, the new movies can go die in a firery pit

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I was gonna post something on this but I waited too long and I didn't think it was still too current, sooo...well I still want to see what this game becomes. I love the concept art.

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Badass Mickey doesn't seen to attract my attention.

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what about badass goofy?

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Here is some info on the game

    - Mickey's appearance is much, much closer to his original debut style
    - Disney was the one to approach Spector
    - Spector originally was against the idea of creating a Mickey game, because he said that he didn't do kids games
    - Spector changed his mind when Disney said that they were looking for someone to 'reinvigorate' Mickey
    - Disney had to get back the rights to Oswald before he could be used in this game
    - the sorcerer Yensid creates a pen-and-paper world for his forgotten creations, which is where Oswald lives
    - this world is similar to Walt Disney World
    - Mickey enters this world through a magic mirror, and accidentally spills paint and paint thinner on the drawing of this world. Mickey escapes before Yensid finds out.
    - The spill that Mickey caused ends up turning the drawing into a twisted version of what was originally created.
    - the Phantom Blot ends up taking over this world
    - many years later, after Mickey becomes successful, he re-enters the mirror and sees what has happened to the world. The Phantom Blot drags Mickey into the world, which is where your adventure begins
    - use the Wiimote to paint in buildings, platforms and more
    - swipe away enemies with the Wiimote when using paint thinner
    - create/destroy the world as you go along
    - Junction Point took hundreds of photos while at Disney World in order to capture the essence of the park, and translate ideas into the game
    - play the game as you like, either destroying everything in sight, or taking the hero's route. It's completely up to you, and you can mix-and-match play styles
    - Gremlin Village is reminiscent of 'It's a Small World'
    - Mickey's appearance and stance will change based on the way you play the game
    - trade some items for health
    - Pete returns, and at one point attacks you with a huge zepplin
    - Donald Duck animatronic pieces are scattered throughout one portion of the game. Collect them to put him back together.
    - Spector wants this game to scare kids, in some ways
    - the game will also have funny parts
    - Spector calls the game world's visuals 'the bastard child of Tim Burton and Disney'
    - elements of platforming, exploration and role-playing
    - go into the inner-workings of some levels and rides
    - visit the gears and mechanics underneath the 'It's a Small World' ride, complete with an eerie re-imagining of the music
    - enter movie screens to move from in-game island to island
    - movie screen transitions put you into a 2d world, where you'll revisit some of Mickey's old cartoons
    - find sketches, and bring them to life with your paintbrush
    - sketches can be activated to give you new powers (clock sketch to slow time, TV sketch to distract enemies, and more)
    - collect 'E-Tickets' to enter rides, and use as a form of currency to buy power-ups
    - Jim Dooley 'Pushing Daises' is doing the soundtrack
Here are the first official screenshots of the game:

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epic i wish mickey was scarier though, oh well, ill just stick with evil paint (ahem, deblob) lol

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Steve wrote:
what about badass goofy?

hell fu*king yeah

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Steve wrote:
epic i wish mickey was scarier though, oh well, ill just stick with evil paint (ahem, deblob) lol

Deblob is a good game though so Epic Mickey should be good as well

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

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Evil paint sounds promising.

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This looks like another 5 year old game!

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This looks like another 5 year old game!

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k I lost interest after seeing the screenshots...

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brawler9686 wrote:
This looks like another 5 year old game!

HOW DOES IT LOOK LIKE A 5 YEAR OLD GAME!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? read the article in the october issue of gameinformer it says that disney went to some company and asked them to make a game but the head didn't want to make a game for kids so disney went back with a different Idea and the guy said yes. Also they say its going to scare the pants off you. and the pictures really the pictures make it look like a scary game.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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If it has the word disney and mickey mouse its for 5 year olds. and I bet this won't even sccare people

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brawler9686 wrote:
If it has the word disney and mickey mouse its for 5 year olds. and I bet this won't even sccare people

Nothing made by Warren Spector is for 5 year olds.

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brawler9686 wrote:
If it has the word disney and mickey mouse its for 5 year olds. and I bet this won't even sccare people

THATS STEORYTYPING and its not right to do that when disney has done scary things before. the haunted mansion made me have nightmares when i was like 10.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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lol haunted mansion that was a fucking comedy movie to me lol.

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how old were you when you saw it.

And Brawler if you're going to be like that don't be like that here go to your own gay website

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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that movie had it's scary moments but i was a comedy

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I think I was like 6 0r 7 I was really young and that movie was intended for comedy purposes.

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I agree with steve, some of the parts were scary

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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oh yeh yankees beat angels and yankees are going to the world series. First world series game is this wednesday. Looks like both LA teams lost lol.

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brawler9686 wrote:
oh yeh yankees beat angels and yankees are going to the world series. First world series game is this wednesday. Looks like both LA teams lost lol.

this isn't the baseball topic

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
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This isn't the flaming topic either so both of you shut up and stop flaming.

Back on topic, it look like a 5.99 year old game. Happy now neder?

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lol yeh I know I was just saying and this too ME in my opinion looks kind of ridiculous. Why make a disney chararcter we all know and love into something scary? It won't look scary and it won't feel scary because in all are minds we know that mickey mouse is a childs thing. Thats like making the guy from metal gears solid franchise (solid snake) into a baby movie like barnie or some shit like that. sry it was long lmao.

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brawler9686 wrote:
lol yeh I know I was just saying and this too ME in my opinion looks kind of ridiculous. Why make a disney chararcter we all know and love into something scary? It won't look scary and it won't feel scary because in all are minds we know that mickey mouse is a childs thing. Thats like making the guy from metal gears solid franchise (solid snake) into a baby movie like barnie or some shit like that. sry it was long lmao.

So technically you could say the same thing about Kingdom Hearts, it doesn't have to be scary to be a great game.

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yeh I guess so.