The New Official Console Wars thread

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neder's picture
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We have gotton way to off topic on other forums about this so here is where you can say what ever you want about the consoles.

my oppinion

wii is best xbox 360 in a far 2nd and until i get one (which might be christmas) ps3 in 3rd

everyone knows why wii is the best right? good

now with the 360 there are a lot of good games: viva pinata halo gears of war fallout burnout guitar hero call of duty banjo kazooie (and thats just to name a few franchises) the controllers are good i like how they have a headset slot in all of the controllers (guitars and drums to) so you can sing and play guitar at the same time without having to have a mic stand let me make this very very clear THERE IS NO HARDWARE FAILURE ANYMORE it was just with the initial batch of 360s

give your oppinions on the 360 and ps3 (wiis already taken care of by ben and arvin)

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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wii ps3 360

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Nintendo13's picture
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I love the wii and I think 360 is a close 2nd and ps3 in 3rd for sure (handhelds not inclueded

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for handhelds, DS wins over psp, psp has the power to beat DS why they don't is a wonder

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bleu's picture
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For me, consoles are PS3, 360, Wii. Sorry, but I just really don't like the wii, too many disappointments.
For handhelds, PSP go, then DS. If iphone/ipod touch counts, that would beat DS. I've owned a DS, and they are not that good. trust me, I know. the new PSP is really cool, and my little brother is getting one this october. I have also had many experiences with ipod touch and iphone stuff. it pretty much kicks butt.

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Alucard Hellsing
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And that's my two cents

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the thing about DS it has soo much CRAP games

can;t wait till 358/2 days comss out

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Alucard Hellsing
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to be honest guy the wii kinda sucks there are mabye 2 good voilent games and like 20 other good games the rest are just crap it like what happend with atari they had so many crappy games on the systems that they went out of bussiness

And that's my two cents

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nintendo needs to get the seal of quality back, moderate the games, eliminate the crap, only way they will live to the next generation.

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Xbox 360>PS3>Wii

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

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Yeah now Ben and Arvin need to to a Xbox 360 podcast.

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wiis3 all the way for me. The 360 is a steaming pile bull crap. And I'm sure you've heard (or seen I suppose lol) me rant about that enough already. I'm really sorry but...... only idiots and noobs think the 360 is better than either of the other consloes. lol I think the virtual boy is better than the 360 LOL JK JK.

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neder's picture
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All the wii haters need to leave. and you wii haters are seeing the glass as half empty not half full look at the positive things about the wii who cares about the crap that comes out for it buy the good games don't even pay attention to the crap and look at this year: new super mario bros, metroid,zelda,zelda,mario galaxy,proffessor layton,metroid and thats just to begin with nintendo there are many other games coming out that are good and who cares about violent games really violent games aren't everything. and samus this is the last time i am going to say this (hopefully) 360 is a good system you are also seeing the galss as half empty look at what good things about the 360 not the bad the hardware is good (now) the games are excellent xbox live is cool (granted you shouldn't have to pay for it) the graphics are the same as the ps3 there is no hardware failure anymore. and good for me i am probably going to get a ps3 (slim maybe) for christmas

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Chyeah man
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360, Wii, PS3

We need guns...LOTS of guns.

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is professer layton good? it looked like a crap-a-saurus rex game, i hate puzzles so it might just be prejudice

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neder's picture
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well if you hate puzzles then it won't be good to you but a lot of people like it. and it has only puzzles nothing else besides story

also the guys who are just giving the consoles give us your opinion on the ps3 and the xbox 360 why you like it and why you don't and samus please please stop bashing on the 360.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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iv ebeen scraping together all the money i can find, i got bout $120 now, after my birthday adn such i should have enough for a ps3 slim

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brawler9686's picture
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OH god Neder, Neder, Neder you never learn yes it still has hardware faliure so stop nagging on and on about that it doesnt have hardware faluire so just leave it at that!!!

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Okay samus I will say this once and one time only . WE ALL KNOW YOU DONT LIKE THE XBOX 360 NOW STFU OR GTFO I have made my point

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And fine ok I'll try to think of some good things about the xbox 360.

Most all of the games are not exlusive but it does have (almost literally) a couple good games. btw neder only 3 of those games you said in the begining were exlusive.

backward compatiblity is pretty ok from what I hear. But it can't upscale them :(.

lots of people have it and are online but think about why that is. What is the main thing most people like about xbox? halo. Is halo 3 on pc yet? no. Do poeple like to play online? yes. Do people like to play halo online? yes. Hence all those crazy halo fanboys HAVE to get the 360. And they HAVE to get and pay for xbox live. And my guess is that is 80% or more of the people that bought the 360. Or what they were thinking of when they it (and online). halo.

Well that's all I can think of for now but I will update this later.

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xBoX 360



ThAt Is HoW iT iS

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

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...says the guy with pizza in his name

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Metriod_2744 wrote:
...says the guy with pizza in his name

Now..... he is wrong, about a couple of things. But what does pizza have to do with it lol =)

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samus256 wrote:
Now..... he is wrong, about a couple of things. But what does pizza have to do with it lol =)

I really don't see how an opinion can be wrong, but, whatever...

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back on topic, how do you guys think the x box would of done with blu ray instead of the ps3?

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sony would have sold the rights a long time ago

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

neder's picture
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depends on how much the 360 with blu ray was if it was the same price as the ps3 then i think it would have done what the ps3 did and lookk at it now the ps3 is the same price as a 360 and they are all sold out now

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Gezz Im glad the Ps3 is 299.99 my parents said if i do good first semester Im going to get a Ps3 for my B-day (October 23)

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I'm glad it's 300 bucks, cause now more people can get one, and hopefully some of my friends will get one. It does get awefully lonely being the only one with a ps3...

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I'm still stuck with allowance (10 buck a week :***( ) but as soon as I get a job that's the first thing im doing. Getting a ps3.

btw I won't get the slim. I'm gona get a 60gb off of ebay or something. Because all the backward compatibility stuff sounds to awesome. It can play practically every ps2 & 1 game flawlessly and even upscale them. Awesome.

Oh and don't get it confused with the 80gb. That one doesn't hardly have any backward compatibility.

And one last piece of advice. The 20gb model has the backward compatibility of the 60gb. but. From what I've heard it doesn't have a wireless adapter :***(

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WTF Samus why would you pay 100 bucks more for a 60GB (that might be bad and scratched With no warranty) when u can get a A BRAND NEW 120GB Slim that looks pretty, weights less, and uses less power. and plus you have a PS2 already so WHY??