Greetings everyone!

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Alanna's picture
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Hi there!

As some of you may have read in the James thread - my name is Alanna and yes, I live in Windsor. I grew up during highschool with my pals Ben, Arvin (and James!). I've known them for over ten years (yikes, how time flies!). I can be a bit of a tomboy, liking to hang out and pal around with my guy friends. Daisy, therefore, of course is the perfect choice for me - since her and I have a lot of energy and are tomboys that like to hang with the guys (though, the "Hi! I'm Daisy!" In Double Dash drove me up the wall, I admit).

A lot of you already sent me messages in my inbox here, which was really sweet and cool of you. I'll always try to get back to you as quick as possible.

Some of you were wondering if I'd ever make a guest appearance. For now, to be super mysterious - I'll be at most a disembodied voice during a video review, or a (literal, hehe) ghost writer for articles on here. I'll have my Mii up eventually for the articles at least, when Arvin gets the time to do that for me (thanks a bunch again, Arvin!).

If you have any questions, want to chat, or play, feel free to give me a shout whenever!

I have Super Smash Bros. Brawl right now, and Mario Kart Wii. I'm planning on getting the Pokemon one and Strikers soon so I have all the good ones to play with people over the connection. I'll be getting Dr. Mario and Final Fantasy (Life as a King), when they come out too (which I believe, should be tomorrow!).

Anyways, to make a long story short - nice to meet you all!

"Thank God you're here... I mean...You're a plumber, right?"

Lostman1027's picture
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Hi Alanna. Great that you made it to the site. I hope you make a guest appearance.

bleu's picture
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Yeah its funny how all their friends are coming together. Thats a funny signature too.

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Alanna's picture
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Hi Lostman. Hehe, well, I knew them before they were famous ;)

Thanks! It's from the Super Mario Bros. movie, which was a line from Daisy, of course. :)

"Thank God you're here... I mean...You're a plumber, right?"

Lostman1027's picture
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There's a movie? Never heard of it!

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Hey Bleu!

Well, I suppose it is kinda funny that we're all coming out of the woodworks. :P

As for me, the reason is that I finally could afford a Wii (and found one!), so here I am! I've been wanting one even before they came out and were named Revolution (which of course is what my own Wii is named - I thought that was a great name). I'm a huge Nintendo fan, and I used to have just about every console of theirs.

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Just wanted to let you know, youre the first girl I know of on this site. So far. I think.

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Hm. I guess that's why Lostman thought it was awkward? *laughs*

Not to worry. I assure you all, I'm just Alanna and no reason to get all weird about - heh. I like to kick butt and take names in games, just like the guys. ;)

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Lostman1027's picture
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lol. I remember when it was called the Revolution. I was so excited to get it. I remember there was a rumor that it could play N64 games. Pretty accurate, but not quite what I expected the Revolution to be.

Lostman1027's picture
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O and by the way, ur on in SSBB!

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I'm very happy I can buy a lot of the N64 titles, as I lost my N64 to someone two years ago :(

Yeah. I've been paused in SSBB for the last hour or two.. heh.

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bleu's picture
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Haha. The "Revolution." Good times. I didn't know any more about it than that it could play GC games. But when I first heard "Wii," I thought,"Why the heck would they name it that? What does Wii even mean?" But now I like it. I guess either one would be ok. (and I just wanted to say that I, for some reason, kept my N64 years ago. Good thing I did, cause I remember thinking about selling it.)

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When I first heard Wii I thought it was spelled We and I hated the name. Now it's fine.

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I was just wondering why Nintendo hasnt made any DK games like the DK64 one yet. That was the best. (Not to mention the only DK game I have) (This is kinda a 3-way conversation right now.)

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Lostman1027's picture
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Yeah, the old DK games were the best.

EDIT: Now its a two way conversation between me and myself.

bleu's picture
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Have any of the new DK games been 3D adventure games? Ive only played the DS March of the Minis or whatever it was called. Have you played the Barrel Blast game yet?

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No, I haven't. I've been ignoring those games. By the way, I just invited a new user named joshinvents. I met him on an airplane. Seems funny now that I think of it.

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By "The Pokemon One" do you mean Pokemon Battle Revolution. I heard it was a terrible game.

Alanna wrote:
I have Super Smash Bros. Brawl right now, and Mario Kart Wii. I'm planning on getting the Pokemon one and Strikers soon so I have all the good ones to play with people over the connection.

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(On Pokemon) One of my friends actually said it was good. At the very least, I'll have it to be able to play with others who have it.

As for my N64, it's kind of out of my hands. I didn't want to give it up, trust me. My ex has it, and won't give it back. So, I might take my sister's if she doesn't want it anymore ;) She's not much of a gamer, not like I am anyhow.

And I loved the DK game for the N64! I'm definetly hoping to see more of the swinging ape with the Wii. He was always a barrel of fun ;P

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Hey nice to meet you! I'm SuperSonic...
hope to talk to you later

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I like how you just come right out of the closet about it >.> When I have some secrets I figured I shouldn't tell.

Cheers :)

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Yet are obvious if you take a look at the map...

Hi Alanna and welcome to the site!

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Nice to meet you, SuperSonic! I'm sure we'll talk later. :)

*grins at Dodo* Well, there was never a closet for me in the first place. Besides, nothing to hide over. I'm not exactly shy anyhow.

Thanks duksandfish! Hello to you as well. :)

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Scott's picture
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Hey lostman, here is the info on the movie. There was also a TV show.

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Thanks Scott.

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Hi Alanna
and welcome to the site wanna do a brawl or Mk wii match soon
Oh ya everyone Im really really sorry 'bout this....
I think I broke my thumb again or maybe just fractured
Im gonna really suck while playin Mk wii or Brawl in the next week or two.

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Greetings! I am a Zelda fan. I can beat everyone I know with Toon Link in Brawl but I main 'Random.' I just can't prove it cuz I'm kinda grounded... I also know more about Star Wars than probably everyone on this site. Not to brag. Anyway, nice to meet you too!

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yokev, from your avitar pic., I guessed that you were a Zelda fan. But I don't know about the other thing. My brother's also a "Star Wars savvy" kid.

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I also know lots about starwars.

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sweet! More Star Wars fans! w00t!

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WOWIE this is going off

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