Wii add ons.

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kjizzle's picture
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As you both already know at e3 Nintendo released news on 3 new peripherals the balance thing, the gun thing and the steering wheel for mario kart, which was already released with excite truck. I was just wondering how you guys feelabout the vast amount of addons nintendo is putting out, whether they are worth the money or that its just another way to get more money out of the public.

Sneferu's picture
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All thoes things are comeing with games. The Balence borad come with Wii Fit, the Mario Kart steering wheel is diffrent it allows you to push the trigger on the back so you can slide, and the Gun can be bought for $20 or bought(probubly for $10 more) With a game. The Game that the gun comes with is probubly duck hunt or something.

petros_gr's picture
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Peripherals with unique capabilities (fitness board) = Good.
Other peripherals (wheel, zapper) = Only good at a certain price.

Caltus's picture
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It really depends on how well the add on work, i see the gun add on as something that will most likely be a lot of fun to use. with the wheel, i can see the benefits....it just depends on how well it handles. And the Fit Board has potential, i don't know if they hit the mark with the masses with the yoga/aerobics WiiFit app. also how much is that thing gonna cost, they mentioned prices of the other 2, unless i missed it they left out the price for the board, meaning it might be a bit pricey. its gonna be an interesting yr thats for sure =)


zfiddler's picture
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Anything is good and fun if the price is right.:)

Spiderpig2744's picture
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Those avatars are scary. :(

samus256's picture
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Spiderpig2744 wrote:
Those avatars are scary. :(



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great now im gonna have a nightmare of werid nose guy

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If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

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no its a stupid puppet