Wii News

Capcom bringing Mega Man Battle Network remake to DS

Hold on, we know we've got a paragraph lying around here that will work with a minimum of editing. ... Ah, here we are, from March of 2008. We'll just put the new stuff in brackets, as we're a little busy for a whole new post.Capcom has announced that [Rockman EXE Operate Shooting Star] will be out for the DS in [fall, in Japan]. This action-RPG follow-up to [2005's Mega Man Battle Network 6 (Cybeast Gregar/Cybeast Falzar)] follows in [series traditions, remaking the first game in the series].... There, that about covers it, right? We're sure this news is exciting to those of you who've found the hours in the day/willpower to tell Mega Man games apart anymore. Seriously, you're an inspiration to us all.Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Become a Shirt Zombie with this Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles shirt

The promotional Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles shirts Capcom printed up for Comic-Con (which takes place from July 23-26) have their own dark side: specifically, the inside. The shirts look nice enough when worn normally: a "let your darkside out" slogan adorns the front amid zombie silhouettes, and the game's logo occupies the back. But the inside of each shirt has a special graphic printed upside-down, so that when you flip the shirt over your head, you become a zombie. This is the most amazing advance in swag technology we've seen in years. If you want one (and you do, because wow), you'll have to visit Capcom's special Darkside Chronicles demo area at Comic-Con and try out the co-op mode.
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Professor Layton arrives in Europe on September 25

Europeans had a long wait for Professor Layton's first adventure -- just under 9 months, to be exact -- but for the second installment of the series, the wait will be much shorter. Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box, which is set aboard a cross-country steam train, will be available in Europe on September 25, just one month after its US release. We understand that two pieces of data do not make a trend, but if this continues, Europeans may get their hands on the third game only days after their American counterparts.Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Nintendo to transform Times Square into real-life Wii Sports Resort

We know, friends -- you've been waiting patiently for months for Nintendo to announce plans to turn Times Square into Wii Sports Resort's Wuhu Island. Today -- finally! -- Nintendo did just that, revealing its intentions to convert Military Island in New York City's Times Square into a replica of the game's imaginary setting, featuring "a sandy beach, swimming pool and tropical lounge." To attend, all you have to do is show up at NYC's Times Square between 9AM and 3PM next Thursday, July 23 -- you'll even nab a (presumably free) "tropical non-alcoholic drink."Oh, but what about actually playing the game, you ask? You'll have plenty of opportunity afforded you, given the "experts in various sports going head-to-head with fans" during the event. Make sure to tighten that Wiimote wrist strap so as not to "accidentally" chuck it at any of the cars passing by -- the urge to ragequit after getting schooled by someone's mom can be rather strong ... we hear.
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EA admits to errors in FIFA 09 online code, promises FIFA 10 fixed

FIFA 10 line producer (for the Wii version) Sid Misra has told footy fans that troublesome connection issues found in last year's edition are being addressed for the 2010 version of the game. In a forum thread on the official EA Sports site, Misra admitted that online connection problems encountered in FIFA 09 were due to errors in the game's code and are currently being ironed out for silky-smooth online gameplay in FIFA 10. That is great news ... unless you're one of the many people who bought FIFA 09 and were unaware of your unofficial status as an EA Sports beta tester. According to Misra, EA is confident it can sew up holes in FIFA's online system -- citing an impressive 95% completion rate during internal testing. We think that's swell, but seeing as though there is a major difference between testing in a controlled environment and the real thing, we're waiting to see how it performs in our own home before we get excited. [Via GoNintendo]Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Project Sora shows off its smashing new office

What has Masahiro Sakurai's Project Sora studio been up to since opening in February? According to its website, the company is in the final stages of its hiring initiative, but it's also been moving. The new developer posted a photo tour of its new offices in Iidabashi, Tokyo, complete with a sound booth and a teleconference room for meetings with Nintendo of America.The room with the most furnishing is the office game room, seen above, which features an impressive array of consoles (including the dreamy Twin Famicom on the floor) and plants. "The cactus was a gift," Sakurai boasted. As for what Sora is working on in this new space: "Our project is a secret!"[Via Siliconera]Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Twilight Princess Korean localization dated for release

No, really. Nintendo of Korea has posted a release date for Twilight Princess: August 27, 2009. Let us never, ever complain about a localization delay again. Unless, of course, you're reading this from South Korea, in which case, we feel for you. Actually, we can't. We have no idea what it feels like to wait for a Zelda game knowing everyone else can and did scoop up the game and already beat it, and probably lent it to friends to beat, and then traded it in ... only to buy it back ... to hack their Wiis and maybe beat again, and then sold it off -- for good ... years ago. No, that level of agony -- *shudder* -- is unknown to our fragile beings.[Via GoNintendo]Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Tony Hawk Ride sequel already planned

In an interview with IndustryGamers, Robomodo president Josh Tsui revealed some exclusive, shocking information about Tony Hawk Ride. We'll give you a moment to mentally prepare yourself. Are you sitting down?There's probably going to be a sequel. To the tenth Tony Hawk game*.Asked what else was happening at the company aside from development of the first Ride, Tsui said that "Obviously, we're very focused on getting this done, but being the creative types that we are, we're always writing up new game proposals and things we want to do." One of the new game proposals, of course, is Ride 2. "It's just a matter of timing," he said. "With Tony Hawk: Ride finishing up [we have to think about] the sequel to the game and where that fits into our schedules. It's a lot of juggling at this point."Of course, while Robomodo has just started thinking about the sequel, it's been an absolute certainty at Activision since, say, 1999, as have annual Tony Hawk sequels from now until they outnumber humans.*Not counting ports, handheld versions, or spinoffs like Tony Hawk's Motion.Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Renegade Kid: Dementium II arrives 'February-ish'

Speaking on his personal YouTube video blog, Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham has given some clarification to the early 2010 release date of Dementium II. Watsham notes that Renegade Kid is due to finish the master by the end of July, saying that the release is slated for "February-ish." He elaborates that the company will hopefully spend the next month focusing on "editing and polishing and tweaking." After that its time for the alpha and beta phases of development, and then the game will be sent to Nintendo.Watsham also mentions the Renegade Kid's other project Maximillian and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds, saying that the company has been talking to publishers and will hopefully have something to announce "in the next couple of weeks." Check out the video after the break.[Via GoNintendo]

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Fragile reveals its solid boxart

With a holiday release scheduled, tri-Crecendo's Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon has received its final boxart. Our E3 impression of the game left us wanting to know more -- a lot more. Considering the post-apocalyptic RPG, from the team that brought us Eternal Sonata, had no expense spared, we'll hopefully see that in the final product. What would make us really happy, though, is if Fragile ends a lot better than Eternal Sonata. Check out the final boxart after the break.

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