Renegade Kid: Dementium II arrives 'February-ish'

Speaking on his personal YouTube video blog, Renegade Kid's Jools Watsham has given some clarification to the early 2010 release date of Dementium II. Watsham notes that Renegade Kid is due to finish the master by the end of July, saying that the release is slated for "February-ish." He elaborates that the company will hopefully spend the next month focusing on "editing and polishing and tweaking." After that its time for the alpha and beta phases of development, and then the game will be sent to Nintendo.Watsham also mentions the Renegade Kid's other project Maximillian and the Rise of the Mutant Mudds, saying that the company has been talking to publishers and will hopefully have something to announce "in the next couple of weeks." Check out the video after the break.[Via GoNintendo]

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