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Now Playing: May 24-30, 2009

Who said anything about being a superhero?
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Hunt ghosts on your Nintendo DSi with Ghostwire

Sweden-based development studio A Different Game has been watching too much Ghost Hunters, it would seem, as the company is preparing Ghostwire, Kotaku reports. Ghostwire is a game where you use your Nintendo DSi to hunt down ghastly ghouls in real life. We're not joking; through use of the Nintendo DSi's camera, microphone, and touch-screen, players will locate ghosts in real-world locales and figure out what they need to be at peace.Ghostwire currently has no scheduled release date.Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Where the Wild Things Are: on every console this year

Though it has yet to be announced, a few completely believable sources have spilled the e-beans about the existence of a tie-in game for the upcoming Spike Jonze-directed Where the Wild Things Are movie. Amaze Entertainment's website, in its "Company Culture" area, lists some of the games the developer has made, "as well as two titles due out later this year: Where The Wild Things Are on all console platforms and Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings for PSP."The LinkedIn profile for Jeromy Stroh, formerly of Amaze, lists both the Wild Things game, expected in October, and an "Undisclosed Disney Project" due out in December. According to the resume of animator Sun Moon, WayForward has been working on the DS version of the game since 2007. Unfortunately, we have yet to find any resumes or early documents that tell us if the game will be good or if it will be a by-the-numbers children's movie game.[Via Superannuation]Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Scribblenauts gets more awesome with level creation, sharing

We already know that developer 5th Cell's ambitious DS project Scribblenauts will keep us distracted with its purported ability to let us conjure up anything simply by writing its name on the screen. What we didn't know is that the game will also let us confound others by letting us edit and share levels. Seriously, is there anything this cute little game can't do? In Scribblenauts, players will be able to create and share custom obstacle course-style levels with other players, as well as dictate how objects in these levels behave. We might create a whale who loves honey, or a rainbow that attracts flies. Or, as Kotaku's Totilo puts it, things could get weird when Scribblenauts pencils in all of our free time this fall. [Via GoNintendo]Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

GameTrailers TV promo gives a look at DJ Hero peripheral

We got our first look at the vinyl-spinning peripheral for Activision's mixmastering sim DJ Hero earlier this month but -- well, they weren't very good pictures, were they? Just look at that framing. Terrible. Obviously, someone's never heard of the rule of thirds. Man, we learned about that photographic law during our extensive Pokémon Snap sessions. It's not that hard, people.Fortunately, a sneak peek for GameTrailers TV's E3 coverage gave us a much clearer shot of the turntable periph, seen in the image above. We get a pretty good look at the crossfader attachment, as well as a sense of the controller's size in comparison to a human lap. Hopefully, we'll get an even better (and more photographically sound) look at the peripheral when we check DJ Hero out at E3 next week.[Via NeoGAF, thanks to everyone who sent this in!]
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Tecmo throws a Hail Mary, announces Family Fun Football

Tecmo has revealed plans to jump into the family sports fray with Family Fun Football, scheduled to hit the field this fall. The arcade style casual game features 10 (unlicensed) teams, some wacky mascots, mini-games and an unlockable mode for players to use their own Mii creations.Family Fun Football also includes a "Simple Playbook" feature, which Tecmo claims will "[make] it easy for everyone to learn and understand the game of football." If that's the case, perhaps most of the Joystiq staff should be picking this one up! Overall it sounds like some good family fun to us. Apart from having to unlock the Mii Mode. That's kind of lame.Permalink | Email this | Comments

Amazon lists Professor Layton 2 for August

If you're the type that's inclined to believe retailer release dates, then take a look at what Amazon says about Professor Layton's second outing, The Diabolical Box. The online retailer has the game pegged down for August 24, which is just three months away. This is a good thing, considering that, for the longest time, we've been feeling like young Luke there, glazed over and stunned, staring into that half-opened glowing box of doom. Just what new adventures lay ahead? It looks like we'll find out soon enough.[Via GoNintendo]Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

Blood of Bahamut gets dated for Japan

Square Enix news continues in full force today with word (via Kotaku) that Blood of Bahamut has been given a release date for Japan. The Nintendo DS title is expected to ship on August 6. Blood of Bahamut is a four-player action RPG set in a city constructed on the back of a giant creature, cleverly named Gigant. Characters are presented in 2D, battling it out in a 3D environment. One of the game's many directors is future Square Enix legend Motomu Toriyama, whose previous work includes planning for Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII, as well as event directing for Final Fantasy X. Also, while the game is looking better every time we see it, it still pales in comparison to the incredibly rad artwork Square Enix is using to promote the game. Or as we like to call it, "Future wall scroll." Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments

XSEED shocks us with Ju-On localization announcement

We were minding our own business, not really paying attention, when an XSEED press release JUMPED into our email inbox and scared us half to death. Feel Fear: Ju-On, a teaser for which was just released in Europe, is coming to North America to scare our North American pants off (and imported pants as well) in October of this year.The press release announcing Ju-On: The Grudge offers a few new details about the gameplay. To the dismay of those expecting a third- or first-person survival horror game, XSEED bills Ju-On as a "haunted house simulator," in which players explore scary environments with a pointer-controlled flashlight, driven to "proceed forward even after being frightened and running away from the initial threat." The game includes the ability for a second player to trigger scares using a second Wiimote, causing the other player to "jump and hate you forever."So if you want your friends to hate you forever, check out Ju-On: The Grudge this October!
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New Nintendo hardware coming when the company finds a 'very interesting idea'

At least, that's according to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, speaking to a sharp-tongued investor during the company's quarterly financial results briefing question and answer session. When asked about the longevity of the current Nintendo hardware on the market, Iwata said, "As soon as a new hardware is completed and introduced to the market, a team is established within the company which starts reviewing what the next hardware will be." He claims entire hardware pieces have been scrapped in favor of finding a "very interesting idea that can make people all over the world to feel like purchasing [it]," rather than releasing products all willy nilly -- like a few items from Nintendo's past. Interestingly, the man also admits to lacking Japanese third-party support for Wii, saying, "Nintendo thought that the situation would change in about two years after launch [for the Wii and third party software support] ... While our assumption turned out to be correct with the portable system, it did not progress as we anticipated for the domestic home console market." Considering the considerable Monster Hunter support Capcom has thrown into the proverbial ring, we imagine that next year's third-party support for the Wii in Japan has been bolstered just a bit.[Via Eurogamer]Read | Permalink | Email this | Comments