Wii System Update Problem

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Jack F
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I am on 3.2e and got a message from Nintendo saying I could update to 4.0, I click update, then yes to do you want to update and it starts updating then says "The are currently no updates for the Wii System Menu" HELP!!!! Is there another way I can update to 4.0? Here is a video showing my problem! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P6WNh9QvHk
It was also doing this problem when 3.4 was the highest update! Please help!!!


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mine worked fine, go to your wii settigns and test your internet connection, after you cheack it it also automatical does updates

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Jack F
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Thanks for your help but that didn't work...

Also, I am not on 3.4e so it will not auto-update.


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did someone else in yuor family update and just not tell you?

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The only thing I found that might help is to either keep trying to update, it's worked for some people. You can also delete your connection from the Wii and reconnect to the same connection, then choose update when it connects. Or if you're using wireless you can try changing the channel on your router. If it doesn't work after this I don't know what what make it work, you might have to go to the support page on Nintendo's website, they have some troubleshooting options for this type of problem.

If you need to troubleshoot it, here is Nintendo's Wii support page: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/wii/en_na/index.jsp

Jack F
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I used Waninkoko's 4.0 installer then installed preloader. now it loads preloader then i click sys menu and it says wii menu corrupded! help!!!


Jack F
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How to get new Wii Shop Channel on 3.2e (dunno about 3.2u)
Ok, firstly I take no responsibility for damage to your console because you chose to follow my guide. I will upload a video proving my method for those who don't believe me. Ok firstly you will need these things:
- The Homebrew Channel
- A working internet connection
- Waninkoko's Firmware Installer 4.0 (Note, from what I have heard it will install 4.0e, finally a benefit for European Regions)
- Any Region Changer
- Preloader 0.28 (if not, all versions)
- cISO Downgrader 1.2

1. Go to the HBC and go into Waninkoko's Firmware 4.0 Installer. It will take a while to install but when it is finished it will boot 4.0.
2. Boot Preloader 0.28 through HBC. Preloader will load. If you click System Menu it will come up with an incompleted "The System Menu is corrupted. Please refer to the Health and Safety Guide for Troubleshooting".
3. System Menu will not load so click Homebrew Channel. Go to cISO Downgrader 1.2 and you will notice that Nintendo has re-added 2.0, 2.1, 2.2. Click 2.2 and it will download. Once finished, click the Home Button and the Wii will re-boot.
4. It will come up with the Health and Safety Menu, then will take awhile to load the System Menu but it will load. Then get a disc like Animal Crossing or Wii Music, then install it's firmware update. Make sure that the disc you have has 3.3.
5. Once installed go to the HBC and go into AnyRegionChanger. Now install 3.2 for your region. If you get an error it is normal. If you get an error or you don't, reboot anyway.
6. Go to the Wii Shop Channel. It will now work!


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it said my ssbb game was corrupted, i cleaned it and it worked, i doubt that would do saem effect on your wii, yeah, try spiderpig's way he is one of the smartest poeple on here

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Jack F
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