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Acer77e's picture
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I need help connecting. When i try to connect my Wii and Ds it said that the security settings are not supported by Nintendo system. Can some one help me get on Wi-Fi?

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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I'm not the best person to ask cause i know nothing about this so but
you may have too much secruity
try going into the settings of your router and lower the secruity or watever so your wii can connect

Acer77e's picture
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I did any i took all security off, and still did not work.

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DemonHunter3d's picture
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Did you put in the WPA Key right? WPA is the security code that your router uses. The WPA key is assigned by whoever set up your router security. Also make sure that your connecting to your router and not someone elses router. If you have a computer running your security on your router, make sure that your firewall on your security program (thats if you have a security program on your computer) is allowing your wii to connect.

I hope that helped :)

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Rallade's picture
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u should put it to no privacy and then go wii wi-fi options and put 2 the settings the where originaly and and then put the sucuritty back on