SD Cards???

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rajahgold's picture
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So, i am now a proud new owner of a Wii!!! (well, i have to wait till Christmas) But i plan ahead! i kno the Wii has memory blocks on it, but i am a travelin gamer (Devorced parents) and i was wondering if i needed an SD card so i could transfer info from Wii to Wii as i go.
Also, i have SD cards from Camerias, will those work as Wii SD cards?

duksandfish's picture
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Currently SD cards up to 2GB work.
You can copy some saves but not all (most wifi games cannot be copied), and that's about it really, apart from brawl replays and snapshots.

rajahgold's picture
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So, does that mean i can or can't download virtual Consol games onto my SD card?

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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You can, but you can't play them off the SD card. You have to transfer them onto the Wii in order to play them. In early October, Nintendo said they would be fixing the SD cards, allowing them to be read directly off of for VC and Wiiware games.

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rajahgold's picture
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ok.. i think i get what u mean....
so, Say i bought Super Mario RPG, I would download it then save it to the SD card. to play it, i would transfe it to my Wii. And saving the Game is the same way?

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bleu's picture
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i dont know much about all the SD card details, but im almost out of blocks on my wii and i only have 5 shop channel games, so I guess Im gonna have to use my SD card more. I currently use it for SSBB pics and replays, but I cant transfer my SSBB or MKWii saves to the SD card, which was a let down, cause I wanted to copy my saves to my friend's wii cause he has been playing it with me and he wanted to continue on his wii...but i think it works for non-wifi games, but i dont really know.

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Steve's picture
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im getting a few sd cards for christmas ill mess around with them, but i thnik ur get all ur answers by then

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neder's picture
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yeah by this friday (black friday) i will have a couple of wii points cards and i will probably run out of room on my sd card.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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