Conduit info please!

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Shifty350's picture
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I told my good friend a little bit about The Conduit & he said I should send him a link telling him about the game, (I don't know what site has the most info) so I'm asking you if you can give me the most informing link about the game, I don't know where to look & my friend is really interested!!

I know some of you have already put up some good links but I don't have the time to look through all the old forums to find the best one, so I think I'll let you bring them to me!!(lol) I hope you don't mind me giving you all the work but some/most of you know more about the game then I do & I think you will know what you're looking at!!!

& please, only stuff with a lot of info!! (I really want my friend to see how great this game is going to be!!)


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Shifty350's picture
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Has anyone looked into this topic?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I was RevosBro.

sand hokage
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yes but dont know a good website

bleu's picture
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idk a full article on the conduit. I pretty much picked up my info from lots of different sites. There was one that had lots of info with tons of artwork and pictures and a video and a small article, though, but I don't remember where it was, and I found it either from a link here, or from a link on another site atleast a month ago.

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Yeah but I need a link to send to my friend!!!

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bleu's picture
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The best I've found so far trying to find the other article was Wikipedia's article on it.

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Tell him to search it on ign or gamespot.

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spiderpig24's picture
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This link has articles, all of the released images and videos, blogs, and updates:

Shifty350's picture
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That link won't open for me=(

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spiderpig24's picture
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me neither so just go to and look up The Conduit.

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Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it=)

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spiderpig24's picture
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Okay here is the link it works this time.

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wait isn't this suppose to be on the games thread

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sorry for not beging helful

you could put The Conduit on Google and click the official site which pretty much tells you everything about this awesome FPS