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Super smash brothers brawl Ownage If anyone sees hotshot or sg let me know and then well have a big Tournament going for us:
My most likely to be used character:METAKNIGHT
Hotshots most likely to be used character:LUCARIO

sg hasnt favored any character so idk what one hell use but the ones he uses the most are:
Mario,Lucario,Falco,5% chance Kirby

Steve's picture
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ok, i main wario

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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okay i'm in.....

okay before you read the my main charecter below try and guess....
you have five seconds
okay times up!

my main character is.....

neder's picture
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my choices would be

1st choice sonic
2nd choice samus
3rd link
4th meta knight
5th kirby

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Trombone_Hero's picture
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1st main: Olimar
2nd main: Samus
3rd main: Luigi

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wario, olimar and sonic and lucario, the 4 hardest characters to main and they are all in this thread

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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I've played with Link since the glory days of N64

Proud defeater of Mega Man 9

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ike pwns in 4 player but is a death wish in 1 vs 1

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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1st- Metaknight
2nd- Lucario (I beat All Star mode on intense with Lucario)
3rd- Game and Watch

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people say meta knight is awsome, but im no good with him rolf

(ps. 3:15 on 100 man brawl with ike)

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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a tough person to play as is with zero suit cause you get distracted..also she got horrible recovery

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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lol zero suit your right she is a distraction when i used her online i lost because i was to busy staring...ehhem i mean inspecting her features lawl

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ahmm yep thats some good

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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lol and some uhh fine shaping

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ok i changed my siggy back to the first one i had

Rallade's picture
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so is it still on if so i can only play with meta knight and sonic

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i liek sonic but he is kinda weak and EXTREMELY slow in air

also, about the ZSS umm it's very lifelike... lol

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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lmao heres a picture i have of snake and zss