Nyco Wireless Nun-chuck Review!!!!

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Nyco Wireless Nun-chuck!!!!

When my brother (RevoRick) got me the Wireless Nun-chuck for my birthday I was thrilled!!! I ripped it out of the package as fast as I could!! This took about ten minutes because of those dumb plastic packages, it took another five minutes to find batteries, after finding the batteries we noticed that the batteries were included so we used those instead!!!! So we turn on the Wii, threw in Mario Kart, & played for about an hour!! Okay, now I can tell you how cool it is not having the cord!!! I didn't think it would be that much of a difference, & I was right! playing a "sitting down game" (like Mario Kart) without the cord doesn't really change anything, though it's just so cool without the limits of the cord!!! But if you're playing a game that requires more of the motion sensitivity it makes a huge difference!! Take the Boxing in Wii Sports for instance, its so much easier to throw some knockout swings without that silly cord smacking you in the face!! It works best on games that use the sensitivity in the nun-chuck, otherwise its just an added feature!!
Or (-1 cord) so its a subtracted feature I guess!! I didn't like playing SSBB with the wireless nun-chuck only because SSBB is a game of fast button combos, & this nun-chuck reacts the tiniest bit slower then a regular chuck, trust me, in SSBB it's noticed (My 10 year old brother kicked my but because I wasn't fast enough with my button smashing!) I don't like that you can't use the Wiijacket with the little attachment unless you do some modding, & I don't want to hack at my Wiijacket!! But again it rocks not having the cord!! I can't wait until I can use this nun-chuck for

I will have unlimited POWER!!! Gwa Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaaaaa, Cough, Cough!!!!! but yeah, it's going to be awesome to not be held down by the cord & to swing any witch way!!

The Wireless Nun-chuck is $29.99 ($10.00 more then the regular Chuck!) I think it's worth the extra $10.00 bucks!!!!
So if you need a new nun-chuck, I think this is the one to go with!!!

I was RevosBro.

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Is anyone going to read this?

If so then comment please!!

I was RevosBro.

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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yeah man I read it.
helpful, but I don't know if I have enough games where this is annoying enough to justify the extra 10 bucks. Boxing from Wii Sports would probably be the worst case though.
good review man!

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It must be real fun playing Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 & 3 and imitating Vegeta's Final Flash, for which you must stretch your arms out as far as you can, which cannot be done with the wired nunchuk controller.

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I would get one or more if I didnt already have 4 chucks.

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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I read it,
Hey Revosbro when was ur bday mine is today!!!!
(june 12th)

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Happy B-day Brawler!!!!!!!

My B-day was on the 8th of May!! I had a surprise Wii party, it was so much fun everyone had a great time!!! My cake looked like a Wii controller!! I have some cool pics I should post!! What are you doing for your B-day? Anything Wii related?

Did you see KUNG FU PANDA? It was a hole lot better then I thought it would be, I loved it!!!

What do you mean Thanks????

I was RevosBro.

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Thanks for posting the review
and i will probably get boom blox or lego indy 4 my bday

Squirtle's best move is B-Down

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Thats something to look forward to!!!

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Caltus's picture
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looks like nintendo isnt happy with nyko over this new peripheral

could be a collectors item soon


HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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oh nintendo
youre really bitin yourself in the butt on this one guys
sure they have terrible 3rd party support, but come onnnn
this is ridiculous

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Ridiculous indeed!!!!!

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bleu's picture
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wow that's kinda dumb to sue them about it. I personally don't like the looks of it, and I do not need it wireless. But in the future, Nintendo should either go wired, or all wireless, not wireless with wires. Nice review.

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i would get one but the new thingie may not work with this

(thignie i mean the motionplus)

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i read it and was helpfull looks interseting