Homebrew channel (how to and review)

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samus256's picture
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All right let's get one thing out of the way early. THIS WILL NOT BREAK YOUR WII IT'S PERFECTLY SAFE. The only thing I can think of that breaks or whatever is that the sd card menu won't work with the sd card that I use the homebrew channel with. But the other sd card I use for VC and stuff it works normal so it's probably some file that on that sd card that makes it so it will not work. (that might be able to be fixed by deleting a file on the sd card so I'll update when I find a way to fix that) NVM THIS DOESN'T HAPPEN ANYMORE! :D

OK let's start on how to download and install the homebrew channel. (don't worry it's really simple)

Pretty much all you have to do is follow the intructions in this video.

But if you want written instructions here's that.

1. download the files in the description in the video.
2. upzip the files
3. put them on your sd card
4. put your sd card in your wii
5. go to data management and then channels and click on sd card.
6. it will say "run boot.dol?" click yes.
7. wait for it to say "press 1 to continue" and press 1
8. on the following menu click continue.
9. click install homebrew channel and install it. (you can install dvdx if you want, but I highly recommend not installing bootmii it's just some menu thing that pops up when you start your wii) (if you want to know what booth of those are look them up on youtube)
10. turn off then turn on your wii then the homebrew channel will be there.

luckilly this tutorial comes with the homebrew browser so you can download most of the apps that you can get for the homebrew channel from the confinyence(have no idea how to spell that lol) of your couch :D without useing the computer.


I'll do a review/thoughts thing later.

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PizzaLover101's picture
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my review: HomeBrew channel idea is good, but the games and stuff is CRAP.


If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

samus256's picture
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I don't know what your talking about lol. I love playing doom on the wii, I think the motion controls really add to the experience. I have the full version and not the shareware versoin. I might tell you how to do that if you beg me lol.

And playing old games like snes games on emulators is frikin sweet. Because on the pc you can only hold down 2 buttons at a time (imagine that in mario :( ). But on the wii you can do whatever you want.

And quake is freakin AWESOME. And i'm currently finding a way to get the full version of that.

And the other games and apps are cool too :).

I think the homebrew channel is flipin awesome. But still has some flaws, like randomly freezeing. 8 1/2 /10

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PizzaLover101's picture
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that, i kinda agree with you, bcuz you can find full versions via internet, but the stuff off the browser in my opinion sucks

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

samus256's picture
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Did anybody use this guide? I swear it won't break your wii. And it's an awesome thing to have.

btw if you have menu version 4.2 this guide won't work. But they have a guide that works perfectly on wiihacks.com (I'll post a link later)

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anyone?..... Hello?

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brawler9686's picture
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Nah I don't play with wii's because I have a playstation 3. LOL jk just wanted to get under your skin.