Boom Blox Review!!!!!!

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RevoRick's picture
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Here is my brothers review he wrote for Boom Blox The game

I was a little iffy about spending fifty bucks on this game (I have to admit, it looked really childish) but you know that thing thay say about books and their covers right?? Now, the graphics may be childish but this game is far from it! Its definitely for all ages, my family is pretty big with ages ranging from 3 to 43! We all played this game for three hours thinking only thirty minutes had passed, with four person multiplayer and so many different game types, this game is the best party game on the market! (In my opinion) It has everything you could ask for, whether you like pulling blox off towers (hoping it doesn't fall) or just knocking those towers over with cool explosions, you are going to have hours and hours of fun playing this game!!
The physics in the game are unbelievable, I've never had so much fun using the Wiimote! And the music is really fun to listen to, (did I mention the physics are great!) I haven't really even scratched the surface of this game but I can tell you that the adventure mode is suprisingly good with over 300 different levels, 18 differant items including bowling balls, exploding balls, bouncy balls, tennis balls, laser guns, shotguns, six shooters, even water shooters, there are fun charecters, fun explosions, cool missions, cool everything!! And if you like unlockables, after almost every level you unlock something new! I haven't found anything I don't like about this game exept that the sensitivity takes a little to get the hang of!!! I haven't tryied create mode yet but I have high expectations for it, it looks like its designed for those of us who like making things... ...just to see them BLOWN UP!!!!! (I also think you can send your created maps to your friends online!)
All in all this is a suprisingly great game, the commercials don't give it the credit that it deserves!! I'm not disappointed at all, but fifty bucks for any game is rediculous, don't you think?

bleu's picture
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Wow, I will definately buy this when I can. (nice gif)

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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Top of my list (now)

nice gif revorick

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You took my idea!

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How so?

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yesterday when i got it i thought about posting a reveiw and i got on to see there was already a reveiw

Greenbamboo's picture
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no ofense but this sounds like a comercial

ill make sure to check it out

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

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It may sound like a commercial but isn't that what a review is?
But you are right, it really does.

I tried create mode the other day & it was kind of dumb but then I unlocked some stuff for it & its a hole lot more fun now!!

Those of you who got the game, how do you like it?

I was RevosBro.

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Is it just me or do we all have at least one sibling/friend on this site
Oh ya Ben and Arvin...
You guys are doin a great job with the site I have seen like 10 new users in the last week

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I guess you could say that Everyone and their brother is joining!!
Ha ha ha!!!

I made my profile name "RevosBrother" because he was posting the stuff I made saying "My brother made this" so when I made my profile I thought it would be appropriate that I be RevosBrother!

I was RevosBro.

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well my name isnt
HeroOfHyrulesBro is it?

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I think you guys are getting kind of off topic with the name conversation... Anyway, the only real complaint I have about Boom Blox is that while the music is fun, is does get kind of repetitive. Also, when I put in cheats to make the explosions 'flower power' explosions, and make normal blox music blox, it turned off auto-save and I didn't know it... Regardless, this game is a must-buy for all Wii owners. It's a shame this game was outsold by Game Party (another spin off of Wii Sports) and was the 9th best selling Wii game its opening week.

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ok, ok...
My bad RevosBro and I bought BOOM BLOX and i love it

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boom blox owns! my fav part is in create mods make a block of almost all acid fill iwht characters and blow them up

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I have yet to play this game, but I am thinking of renting it. From watching the commercials on the TV it looks like a huge game of Jenga. It's kind of like being in the big freezer at work... I think I shall rent it.

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Arvin has my copy, currently.

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So you buy games to let Arvin take them from you? That some how doesn't seem fair.

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I would have to agree with Maeg here. They're in much better hands with Ben, as Arvin has yet to open Metroid and hasn't finished Zelda which tells us he won't even get around to playing this game whereas Ben has played both of those and I assume he's finished them too and he would get better use of it; as long as someone plays it and reviews it in the Podcast.

Cheers :)

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(Call me Lizz)

Someone has to kick Arvin's butt into shape, well gaming shape I suppose. He needs to make time to play these games, he's slacking!

lol I'm just kidding. He's really busy lately, more than I could ever imagine. Just for getting the stuff up on the site is a major accomplishment and blah blah blah!

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Haha Lizz you make me lol.

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Well, it's hypocritical. Arvin talks about games but doesn't play them. Should I dare say he's a p0sr? Just kidding Arvin, but really, you gotta start playing these games, you can't just let Ben do all of the game reviews!

Cheers :)

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Nice review this is definintly going to be my next buy but in bestbuy I saw it was 30 dollars but any ways keep on going for the good reviews.