Slight Glitch with Adding Friendcodes

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Alanna's picture
Joined: 2008/05/10
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Hey Arvin,

Thought I should let you know, there's a slight glitch in adding friendcodes. When a person adds your friendcode on here, it sends a message that the person that was added, is the one that did so..


Arvin adds Alanna on here to his friendcode for a game.

Alanna gets a private message that is 'from' Arvin, but says Alanna has added your friendcode.

Rather amusing, at least. ^.~

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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yah lol i saw that

bleu's picture
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yeah I got on and I saw 2 new messages, and then I read them and I was like WHAT THE HECK?!? But then I saw that a FC thing was made, then I was like Ok then Nice.

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