Contact Ben and Arvin

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Yamalazoo88's picture
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When I try to click on Contact below Ben's Mii at the top of the screen, it says "error in load, operation aborted". If this has happened to you, or you know the problem, post on this forum!! Thanks!


SuperSonicPwns's picture
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it worked fine for me but the webstie does these things (i have seen) every now and then just try again later

Steve's picture
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worked fine for me also, i sent them where i lived for the map and asked them to review something

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

Dodo_JZ's picture
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I got the exact same problem.

Maybe it's just our computers, but I highly doubt it's a coincidence. The site doesn't like me, but now we have two cases. "If a process can be repeated, it's science!" - Unknown. That means something is actually wrong with the site and not my craputer.

Cheers :)

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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hmm i just clicked on the link again to test it and it didn't let me do it either...
maybe you could just email arvin

Yamalazoo88's picture
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hmmmm... Ok thanks Super Sonic!! And all who replied!!! Hey by the way, What is Arvins Email address? Thanks!!!!


Dodo_JZ's picture
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Just send an email to . That's their everything email.

Cheers :)

Steve's picture
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well, as stated a week or 2 ago from em it worked fine..well now it does not

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"