those fancy pants avatars

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Steve's picture
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all of my pictures i want for my wltp avatar wotn work (too big) and i notice everyone got like movign sonic or mario ones..where do u get those?

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dangled039's picture
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Awahl made mine for me, im sure he can do one for you as well, just message him with your idea and he will make a cool avatar for you!

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Awahl: what program do you use to make them?

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bleu's picture
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I have a link to all the gifs I use on my account page thing. It has tons of Sonic ones.

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I make all of mine, I have a YouTube movie on how I do it!
Its not that good but it will show you how I do mine! I use Adobe Image Ready!

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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i just stick with me lying in the road! power to ya if you want the fancypants ones though

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Steve's picture
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ok, i found the link, but how do i get it on the avatar thing, when i click on the image it just has the image on a black screen

thansk so far

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Meh, classic forum member right here. The simple picture and not so flashy signature in contrast with my high post count shows I'm too cool for that stuff or that I don't see the interest of making my avatar look cool when people are only gonna read what I wrote and not bother with anything else.

I've never been a fan of moving avatars, it's just not me.

I had kind of a hard time proving my point.

Cheers :)

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But when you make your own avatars you tend to fall in love(lol) with them, I mean just look at mine, when I finished this one I just had to use it!!!
Mostly because I like the game, & I made it fit the site;)

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Steve's picture
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solved! ill keep this thread up just incase another new member needs help on the same thing

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Steve's picture
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yaa as of this week almost, the avatars are broken, not wanting a knuckles that looks like he is dead, i foudn this pic of shadow, so even when arvin does fix this i will keep this

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