WII like to shop

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Steve's picture
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hey guys, as this new site is purdy it's lacking something...a shop with variety, now, i do not know how expensive it is to have a website shop, but i do know that im interesed in more merchendise, heres a list of cool items that a WLTP shop could use

t shirts/hoodys
also. all the episodes in a complete DVD set would be awsome

please add more

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neder's picture
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hey steve remember they don't have that much money... and going with the shop idea i think they should add a section for wii shop channel games

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i'd buy a mouspad

just make sure it looks cool :)

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yea i know, ben is in school right? and arvin graduated? right? anyway, who knows we might get a sponser who can give us money for this idea,

remember this is an idea not a demand

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i no

but it would be cool...

bleu's picture
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the dvd set is a cool idea, but with content and info changing so often, it would be hard to actually sell them, cause who wants to watch old news?

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If we do end up doing more products we are probably going to go through a company like cafepress. It may be a little more expensive, but there's no overhead for us like there was with our t-shirts.

Honestly if you want to show us you really want merchandise then buy a shirt, help us out and we'd put more effort into getting other merch.

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Just to add to Arvin's comment. We do have many ideas and designs for more products, but we haven't even broken even on the t-shirts yet.
As soon as there is demand, there will be products. We would love to offer more, we just can't afford to take the risk again.

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hey i just noticed that ben doesn't have a Podcast Contributer badge... sorry for going off topic, but this is the only time ive seen arvin and ben post one after the other, and i noticed that...

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what does a podcast contributor badge look like

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
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Arvin has one, it looks like a Wii

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brawler9686's picture
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Hey totally agree It would be cool seeing more stuff to buy like mousepads and the seasons on thier.

neder's picture
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it would be so awesome if they could get sponsored and become a t.v show that is an hour long and you could buy their merchandise in stores

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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moneyr's picture
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yea what if they were on the best channel ever G4 tv
if u dont no what that is go to g4tv.com