About the sensor bar

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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Arvin, you mentioned in one episode that you were gonna try and build you own wireless sensor bar, but have you?

Cheers :)

Coolioman's picture
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Hey Arvin,
When r u gonna start that sensor bar?
Big Fan,

w0rd257's picture
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I heard that some guys that worked at a movie theater made there own sensor bar to fit the bottom of one of the movie screens when the wii first came out. I dont know where I found it but im sure its easy to find on google.

phantomphenoix's picture
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When are you going to start on that sensor bar Arvin? Just wondering.

brawler9686's picture
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no he hasen't

Steve's picture
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somewhere in the forums arvins aid he will not make on, he said what's the point sicne there are already 5 or so already on the market, for a secodn i though this thread was new and i was exicted to see dodo was back, too bad he is not

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moneyr's picture
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ive seen a home made bar and it looks pretty easy and the bar was nice because you cant get one like it it was he had two one made for distance and one made for up and close action