Homebrewers enable DVD playback on the Wii.
Wii DVD Playback
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We may be able to have DVD but we will never get sony to let us play blu ray
I have a DVD player to play my DVD's. Whats the point of playing DVD's on my Wii? IT MAKES NO SENCE!!!
First it would be pointless for the current Wii to play BluRay disks with NO HD output. Allowing the Wii to function as a DVD player would be useful in ceratin situations, look at how many people used the DVD players in thier PS2s. For the most part we already ave a DVD player hooked up to the same TV that we have the Wii, but think of a setup in a kids room with a TV with limited inputs, rather than using a switch box or Y cables to hook both a Wii and a DVD player up to a TV they can consolidate into one unit.
ive seen something like this before
i think if there is no point and click in the dvds actual menu then i wouldnt really like it and besides nintendo doesnt like hacking and if the wii was in a kids room (like scott said) they could update the wii and it would be bricked
plus the complecation of installing homebrew channel
i think if the wii is capable of reading dvds then nintendo should put a dvd channel out on the shop channel or in an update
I'm about to try it (will post what it is like in about 1/2 an hour) but from what i've heard it lags a bit.
Edit: did'nt work for me :(
I agree, it would be a nice free download from Nintendo. Even better if they released it like the internet channel, free for a few months.
I dont see why everyone is so scared to use it, itf you don't want to install the HBC then do it via the Twilight Hack
well im sacred cause i dont want to forget about it and update my wii and then have it bricked
me too
btw, duksandfish that sig is awesome
Finnaly they make a DvD playback feature on the Wii. What Next the internet TV channel. Then after that DvR.
i think this i kind pointless (but still cool) it's kind like a video ipod it's nice and but still a little pointless
Dude I love my iPod video I have Blazing Saddles, The Blues Brothers, School of Rock. I LOVE It so take it Back
hey i love my video ipod too but ipods were ment for music it's a nice addition but not necessary
I agree to,I dont know what they are waiting on maybe someday they will wake up.
If you want to watch dvds get a dvd player. You can get them as low as $20. And if they did add dvd playback they would probably make it more expensive. And I wouldn't want that. Wii is made for playing games.
What? We're talking about wii and dvd playback.
samus the wii already has the capacity to play dvds so it would be free which obviously is very economic. It might be more convenient if nintendo would make a channel and also add cool features.
Yeah Samus is right the wii is meant to play games not DVD's so just leave it at that.
nintendo should enable a dvd channel and give it free but if they were gonna need to put in something (which they currently dont) they should make it bluray
WTF?????? Wii would never be able to play blu-ray movies its hardware and stuff isn't good enough.
i said if they were to upgrade the hardware
Yeah this generation of video games will last a lifetime. The companies don't plan to make new consoles instead give upgrades to there current consoles. I'm sure the wii will receive some hardware upgrades soon.
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And that's my two cents
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