Hey, you know how there are USB inputs on the back of the Wii, well i bet they could make a lot of new updates for usable items (like the keyboard usage update) that would make the Wii better and more fun.
They can add USB stuff so we can use other things for the Wii, Like a sick printer update so we can use it for the photo channel.
What else could they use for our Wii?? :-)
P.S. And i like an idea for a Topic of the Wiik, so post a discussable topic for the forum on Monday's to get people talking and to see what Wii owners really want and to help Ben and Arvin out (and it gives us something to do in the time b/w episodes).
The Dodo JZ
i think it would be otally sick if they would allow you to hook up directly to an ipod/mp3 player as the 360 does. The wii experience would be so much better if u could listen to music as you play