i want a wii chat IM, im tired of not being able to chat with friends, wiimails take to long and sometimes my friend goes offline when i get their message and i reply. I want to chat with friends while im surfing the Wii channels or something and i want to talk to some of my wii friends. Of course i doubt nintendo will actually do it but if WLTP gets a sponsorship, maybe the unhear thoughts of the WLTP memebers will finally be heard and have a say in the opinions of nintendo. All this considering the nintendo forums dont look like they will be up anytime soon.
I hope nintendo picks it up a bit over the christmas holiday, they will have to provide for hungry christmas shoppers and new channels and updates would really be nice. Like maybe an IM setting in the message board and a sign in thing like MSN of wii.
i wish I could have that to by the christmas holidy. Though the only problem is I dont have any wii friends. I was hoping to get some wii friends here but since mostly everybody is so worried about wii friend codes being put in to random peoples wii's. That I can understand. I just hope I can get a wii friend code soon.