The Conduit multiplayer functionality have been revealed

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Carlos's picture
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- Changed from 16 players online to 12 for better balance/gamer performance
- Free for All - fast match, finishes when a player reaches specified kill count
- Marathon - Have the highest kill count at the end of the specified time limit
- Three Strikes - Only have 3 lives to play with
- Last Man Standing - Be the last player to survive
- ASE Football - Tag game - Player who holds on to ASE for the longest time is the winner
- Bounty Hunter - Players go after specified player, if you hit an incorrect player you receive a penalty
- Team Reaper - Quick Match/Marathon, Shared Stock as well - Have additional lives from a pool
- Team Objective - CTF mode with ASE - Teams need to obtain own ASE
- Another mode requires teams to obtain one ASE - team that takes in the most in specified time limit wins
- WiiSpeak support reconfirmed
- Can only hear players that are closest - will hear 6 players are the most while battling

Free For All Maps
- Bunker
- Pentagon (8-12 players)
- Complex (6-10 players)
- Sanctum
- Infirmary
- Streets
- Warehouse
- Random

Weapon Sets
- Human
- Trust
- Drudge
- Near/Far
- Close Combat
- Longe Range
- Explosive
- Chargeable
- Random

spiderpig24's picture
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I like the amount of modes they were able to add into the game, and ASE football a lot like juggernaut on Halo, which I really liked. Hopefully you will be able to hear everyone playing, not just the people who are on your friends list.

brawler9686's picture
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Thanks man I was wondering which modes they had. Also I liked the idea of 16 player rounds but 12 player rounds sounds better to me since I'll not be too much clutter and stuff like that. I also like 3 strikes and last man standing, I'am so excited for this game only two more months.

bleu's picture
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This does look like it will be a good online. I just hope they make it easy to add/remove/invite/join friends in the online, because I know that it was challenging to do in, for example, Brawl.

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brawler9686's picture
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Yeh Wii friends reallly piss me off why can't they have like gamertags but I also do hope it's easier to invite/add/remove friends.

Steve's picture
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pentagon = ) sounds like lots of plasma shooting fun, in the campaign trailer they had washignton monument, i can't wait for a walking tour of DC filld with outer space baddies

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phantomphenoix's picture
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Me too. I still wish it was M because I might of been a better game if it was. Though I can understand that some people cant play the game. Also it is good that it is rated T so I don't have to worry as much about my siblings being in the room.

samus256's picture
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I'm exited about the mutiplayer because it lots of differnent modes insted of just DM, team DM, and CTF.

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