the conduit bungie rant

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moneyr99's picture
Joined: 2009/03/03
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i cant believe how close conduit can get to look like bungie. Im not hating or any thing im actually support because any thing close to halo on the wii is good(fyi i have both systems) to me i think u guys would agree. the multiplayer will be kinda the same like halo,diffrent guns and armor of course, And hopefully a master chief replica on the wii
i think wii can all say that the conduit can be the wii's halo

if u agree reply with

if not reply with

and if u wont the updates and facts about the game reply with
tell me there facts

brawler9686's picture
Joined: 2008/09/13
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Definitly 1 because I mean this game is going to be awesome and like Halo people were already happy and excited and you can see a pattern here. Also the conduit already won a couple of awards.