I recently found out that some people
*cough* bleu401 *cough*
so what do you think is better
(there is no super knuckles)
I recently found out that some people
*cough* bleu401 *cough*
so what do you think is better
(there is no super knuckles)
knuckles > Sonic
Shadow > anything you could possibly compare to him.
none of them, their games suck now
Superb Knuckles. You know it. Besides, HeroOfHyrule128, whatever that new Sonic game is, that's coming out in like November, I think.
sonic unleashed is due for holiday 2008
Yeah, sonic unleashed. P.S. I actually have no problem with sonic, I just like knuckles better.
i don't understand why you all like knuckles better, Sonic is way better!
Ok, here's the story of why I like knuckles the best. The first sonic game I played was at my friend's house. When we would play, he would be Shadow, and his brother would be sonic, and my brother would be tails. So, that left me with knuckles. So know I just decided to stick with knuckles. Besides, knuckles can glide, and he has knuckles(duhh) and in all the short videos, he can run just as fast as Sonic, and he is just cool.
Here's my story,
The first time I played a sonic game was about 5 years ago, I wasn't allowed to have video games so I got a computer game called "Sonic and Knuckles" it is a 2D game with only music and some sound affects (no talking). I thought Knuckles was a girl because of the "hair" (but I still kinda liked "her" better than Sonic). Than about a year ago I played Sonic heroes at a friends house and by the talking you could hear that Knuckles is a boy.
And now I like Knuckles better!
ok my story (kinda pathedic)
so i had some sonic games and liked shadow best, but then i got brawl and sonic was my best charecter so that's why i'm starting to like him a lot
my name game from sonic final smash supersonic i chose it cause everyone i play hates it so i decided on the name
I represent the Lollipop Guild!
^^^Be my friend^^^