No PS3 price cut at E3!

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Carlos's picture
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Ha ha ha ha, my prediction became reality.

spiderpig24's picture
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I didn't think that they would drop the price either, just because of the fact that it costs them so much to make it. But I think they had a very good conference at this E3, showing a lot of good looking games, like God of War III and Assassins Creed 2.

Carlos's picture
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Yea, great games.

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spiderpig24 wrote:
I didn't think that they would drop the price either, just because of the fact that it costs them so much to make it. But I think they had a very good conference at this E3, showing a lot of good looking games, like God of War III and Assassins Creed 2.

i thought god of war III was already out.

p.s the price is dropping at the end of this year. they might not have said it at e3 but its happening and if it doesnt blame for false information

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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samus256's picture
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Meh, I don't know if I care if the price drops or not. Because I want to get a 60gb so I can play my ps1 & 2 games on it. And sell my ps2.

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dangled039's picture
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yea, i didn't expect Sony to announce a price cut at e3. but it doesnt mean it won't happen.

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Yelinyellow's picture
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Well if you already have a PS3.
You got to be excited for Uncharted 2 and Fat Princess.

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bleu's picture
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Yeah, I'm excited for a lot of things, especially those 2!

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brawler9686's picture
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ahhh thats ok since the bestbuy deal is 18 months no intersest on all items 500 dollars and over. All so I realized that bestbuy doesnt have a lot of PS3 games but has lots of wii games.

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idiots! they had the perfect time to annuce a price cut, it would be awsome and they didn't! omg what bad planning! well, it is sony

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brawler9686's picture
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Steve wrote:

idiots! they had the perfect time to annuce a price cut, it would be awsome and they didn't! omg what bad planning! well, it is sony


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well, be honest after ps2 release they havn't been the best at makign decisions

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brawler9686's picture
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Well I guess you have a point.