who all wants to have an online multiplayer gaming session soon
games that will be played
gh (any of them)
just say when you are free to play games my friend codes will be posted later but for now you guys post friend codes and times of availble play
wii code: 3427-8363-9733-8183
conduit code: 5327-8852-244
guitar hero world tour code:051752183791
guitar hero metallica code:219240730106
guitar hero smash hits code: 05751928200
mario kart code: 5455-9799-2915
super smash bros brawl code: 0045-0754-5724
i am available to play any time
does anyone want to play. just tell me when you are available to play until august. or send me a message straight to my wii but make sure you put your wltp name in the message so i know who you are
world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-
blizzard has won
thanks for listening
and happy gaming
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