zelda or metroid

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i dont know waht to get

bleu's picture
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I don't know, because I don't have either, but I read a magazine yesterday that gave both games a rating of 10 out of 10, just like SSBB. Either would be worth the money, I think. I would try Zelda first, then Metroid Prime. Both would be a good addition to any game collection.

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Get the game you liked to play the most on the previous systems. I grew up playing Zelda games and never really got into Metroid so, it was an easy choice.

Go with what you know and enjoy the most.

I enjoyed Zelda, but considering it was meant to be a GC title and only reworked to use the wii remote after the fact I would assume Metroid would be a better game play experience as it is native to the wii. I am really expecting great things from the next Zelda release.

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never playd both

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you havent played oot? you havent lived.

As of yesterday, i have played every console zelda game released due to something im not suppeosed to talk about on this site

judland's picture
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We have both... and both are really great games, although different.

Metroid is a shooter. Lots of shooting. But, there's an involved story-line to follow with lots of challenging puzzles to solve.

Zelda is an epic adventure. The story is very detailed with lots of sub-plots to keep you entertained. Many puzzles to keep your gray matter occupied as well, but more-so than Metroid.

There's also more to Zelda than just shooting (or in this case, hacking with the sword). And, just when you think your adventure is coming to an end, you're off again on another quest that takes the story further.

I guess, what I'm saying is that both games are entertaining. It all depends on what you like most in your games.

If you like first person shooters, Metroid is the game for you. If you like third person, D&D-type adventure games, then Zelda is it.

Unfortunately, if you're like me and enjoy both, then you'll need to get both of them. Personally, I'd start with Zelda. Right now it costs less than Metroid and (if you're anything like me) will take longer for you to play.

Good luck!

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I have two replies going on here.

First: Blue401, it would be nice to know your sources (meaning which magazine you get your stats from). I don't mean to be an English snuff, but the Magazine could be NP which is totally biased towards Nintendo games, so ratings may be a little reworked.

Second: judland, I'm like you in the sense that I bought both games, and found both to be ecstatic. Metroid was sort of quick then slow. You may be in a room pwning Space Pirates with your measly arm cannon, then five seconds later, you could be all alone in a puzzle room, where as in TP you could be searching through rooms looking for a new item or hacking away at some annoying Bublin's or instilling fear into the hearts of bosses everywhere. Personally, both are equal by my standards, making both a great choice.

It's all personal choice to me: Adventure/RPG or FPS/Adventure. The story for Metroid was half as long as the TP story to complete (Metroid = 20Hardcore hours, TP = 40Hardcore hours all based only on storyline length, not side quests).
By the way, I found Metroids storyline to be pretty confusing at some points and kind of hard to follow as opposed to the straight-forward story of TP, so if you are looking for a mind-buster/intense shooter, go for Metroid or a Pick-up and Play/RPG, go for The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess.

All personal opinion Luigi.

Cheers :)

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The magazine was the Wii game review edition of Nintendo Power. Yes, I'm pretty sure it WAS biased.

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i got 100$ im geting both

Cheesy142's picture
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Good idea. They are both really good.

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If you can afford both, go ahead and by them both. In my opinion, Zelda would be a better choice. This coming from someone who has played all but the Four Swords Zelda games (Philips CD-i games excluded), and only two Metroid games (Prime 2 & 3).

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good haha isent you on a gus hunt just to get your opinions

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wild goose chase....

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i have both of them though and they are completely different styles. i grew up with zelda but this game was too short. i haven't beaten metroid yet

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I heard that Metroid Prime 3 really uses the motion sensing capabilities.

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I'm sorry but i think that the person who said that metroid is a shooting game is wrong. Metroid is an adventure game with a "gun", but the shooting mechanic is really quite... um... well, broken.
You really get the feeling that your gun is weak, i mean, most enemies take 10 to 20 shots before they die, but since you have like an infinite amount of health, there is no point in using cover, or even dodging what they attack you with. so the basic strategy really just turns out to be you simply standing in one spot and jamming the trigger as fast as you you can... for like literally 10 seconds at a time. it just feels stupid. it really makes you feel like an idiot. but in the cut scenes, samus will take out a guy after putting off two shots, then whip around and kill one guy who is attacking her from behind with one shot then jump out of the way of something, then kill a third guy with a well placed head shot. it just frustrating thats all. Other than that though, its a good game.
Not that it is a bad game, but it is defiantly not a shooting game.
by the way, they made no attempt what so ever to even make what resembled a plot line. there is no engaging story.

Zelda on the other hand:
Best game i ever played

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