Zack And Wiki, FUN or frustrating ?

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dareware's picture
Joined: 2008/03/07
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User offline. Last seen 16 years 19 weeks ago.

I was thinking of getting Zack And Wiki, but I heard that it is very frustrating and not for lefty handed people (I am a Lefty).

Is the game FUN ? any feedback will be helpful

kentbphat's picture
Joined: 2008/02/25
Posts: 32
User offline. Last seen 14 years 49 weeks ago.

I've gotten through about 6 or 7 puzzles and had to put it down a while (frustration and No More Heroes).

However, the game is fun and very refreshing. Not like anything else out there.

If you get easily frustrated, it might be a game to play once in a while. I firmly expect Z & W to last me through at least spring/early summer as I am playing Brawl/NMH and when I need down time, I'll pull out Z & W.

Don't know if this helps.
I will say this, for the new lower price, you can't go wrong. It is charming and fun. You will feel a very strong sense of accomplishment when you beat some of the levels. But, the game can also be humbling.

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