Wii Games

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PizzaLover101's picture
Joined: 2008/10/26
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i don't know if anybody else has noticed, but i can't add a few games to my account. if any one has that problem ( like me ) you can post your games here, and hope arvin checks the forum board

p.s. for any one who has animal crossing city folk, my fc is :3996-1067-2984
please post yours because im sooooooooooo lonely

My Games:
1. Resident Evil : 4 ( wii version )
2. Fire Emblem: Raident Dawn ( i forget how 2 spell Raident )
3. Animal Crossing : City Folk

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

awahl's picture
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I think Arvin is working on that. He just hasn't finished the game data base; I experience the same problem with Twilight Princess.

Steve's picture
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yeah like call of duty and such, hey how is fire emblem?

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

PizzaLover101's picture
Joined: 2008/10/26
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fire emblem is a pretty good game
id rate it 9 out of 10

If I'm not here, I'm probably quietly crying in my room, mourning the loss of the greatest wii podcast ever, along with the death of such a friendly community.

moneyr's picture
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yea is i think he's not done the site and he might of only put up the games from last site and just isnt done

brawler9686's picture
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yep thats happened to me with a few games and one question is fire emblem is it like an RPG or something cause iam searching for a new game to play and do you have any advice for a good game.