Which game should i buy

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Epicmidget's picture
Joined: 2007/07/28
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Hi evrybody i was wondering which game i should buy. Mario strikers because of the online ore ecite truck because of the multiplayer and singeplayer game. also do u need a nunchuk for mario strikers?

Sneferu's picture
Joined: 2007/06/28
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Defintly striers that game is awesome.

brianalt's picture
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Wh47 15 17 w17h 7h3 bu7ch3r1n6 0f 7h3 3n6|15h |4n6u463? D035 4ny0n3 kn0w 5p3||1n6 4nd 6r4mm4r 4nym0r3?

Lostman1027's picture
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SSBB (Super Smash Bros. Brawl) when it comes out.

Also check out elebits, and maybe even Harry Potter!

I might have to WIIP, no WII until OCTOBER 27!!!!