What are you playin right now?

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Poppa Trizzle
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well...it's the summer (unless ur in summer school...haha ur screwed)
and i know a lot of people (includin myself) are takin the oppurtunity to either finish a game or do a another run-through of an old game... so my question to you is, what are you playin right now?

Personally I'm finishin Metroid prime 3 which i got like a month after release but never got the time to play it ( i jus beat Gandrayda)and im also doin a 2nd run through of Okami cus of the karmic transformers (for the people who have the game)the water tablet and the stray bead challenge...
nuff bout me
what are you playin?

Yelinyellow's picture
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Well I'm playin Time Splitters 2 for PS2. Other than that Mario Kart

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

Sharkboy's picture
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I'm finishing Red Steel and playing my first Wiiware title Defend Your Castle which is really worth the 500 Wii points you pay for it.

duksandfish's picture
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Well, since I live in a civilised country (the UK lol)I am still at school for another week and a half, but currently I have been doing a 2nd playthrough of Wind Waker, using the Special file you get after completing it.

Also, Dr mario and germ buster online, and a bit of Twilight Hack

bleu's picture
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wow. I went through a time of SSBB until MKWii, then I played WiiWare, then I went back to Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, then back to MKWii, then back to SSBB then back to WiiWare, then finished off at my current title of choice, SSBB.

Playstation Home Public Beta
MAG 1st wave Private Beta
Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Public Beta
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Private Beta
ModNation Racers Private Beta
LEGO Universe Private Beta
Medal of Honor Closed Beta

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I am playing Guitar Hero: Aerosmith!! (currently on expert)

Steve's picture
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i did double agent like 5 times and zelda again once and just hangign around on online ssbb

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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Twilight Princess

Poppa Trizzle
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haha nice
ive been playin me some SA2:Battle as well...
no matter how many times i play that game, it never gets old
at least for me it remains the best 3d sonic game hands down...

Shifty350's picture
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I finally got a job so I'm going to be doing that this summer!!

I'm looking forward to learning Adobe Flash CS3 so that I can make so Flash animations, but I can't figure out how to use that program to save my life!! I heard there's a podcast on how to use it so I'm going to check that out!!

As for games I think Duksend has it right!! I think I'll give Wind Waker another go! That is the best game on the GC, last time I played it I went through half the game without doing any side missions, so I beat it a little to fast to really enjoy it like one should with a LOZ game!(or any game for that matter!)

I was RevosBro.