Unbrella Chronicles or Wii Res. 4?

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rajahgold's picture
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I need advice from people who have played one or both.
I like the Res Horor, but not rail shooters. Hate Rail shooters.

Steve's picture
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hmm those are both good games but i'd have to say res 4

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rajahgold's picture
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i no one of them is arail-shooter, but witch one?

Steve's picture
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i thnik it's the umbrella cronicles, but im gonna google it, hang on a second

*3 minutes later*

umbrella cronicles is a rail shooter

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Greenbamboo's picture
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Definitely RE4

No question at all really. the graphics in re4 are, well, quite impressive. The gameplay gets difficult if you panic, but other than that it is quite fluid. The story itself keeps things interesting enough, and the terrains you go through change often enough that you don't get bored. just make sure that you have google handy, there are some puzzles that i think really don't take logic, just luck. Example: you have to shoot a wine glass in a painting to open a door. (your getting a little too creative for your own good capcom)

umbrella is really just a filler. not a game you can play for more than 40 min at a time, unless you are playing with friends. by filler, i mean it explains a lot of the intricate story behind the whole Resident Evil universe. if you like the games, and are obsessed with the story (people made zombies, zombies kill people) then i guess it might be worth something to you. other than that, ignore it, and save your money. we are in a recession here.

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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wow greenbamboo is always full of info!

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Steve's picture
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yea we ask a question and then we get an avalanche of info

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ScaraMcBeetle's picture
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I own Res 4 and I love it!! I would say Res 4 all the way!!

Rasheen's picture
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Resident evil 4 all the way I'm close to beating it and it's one of the best looking games for the Wii.

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