Trackmania Nations Forever

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Poppa Trizzle
Poppa Trizzle's picture
Joined: 2008/02/24
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 44 weeks ago.

I know this isn't a Wii game (it will be a DS game soon)
but I jus have to give this game a shoutout...
basically its the best free downloadable racing game ive played in a long time, and it's one of the best games ive downloaded for $0 period.
The visuals are really good, and the animation is solid...
The gameplay and controls is where this game really stands out, there are a huge number of short stages you can play on, and each has its own challenges.. there are race stages, acrobatic stages, obstacle stages, and endurance stages as well. The different types of stages are all races, but they change the way you complete the race ex. an acrobatic race requires lots of jumps, and an obstacle course requires lots of slight turns and maneuvers...
Also the sound and music for the game is excellent...nothing super extraordinary, but when the music is coupled with the visuals, everything in the game feels more fresh...
Also the controls are very basic, no turbo, no drifting, just arrow keys for accelerating and turning, and a couple numbers to change the view and 0 for the horn... thats all.
well..I've already written too much, imma get back to playin this game and anyone who reads this, better go out and get it fo free right now...and tell me what you think...
O and i forgot to mention..the ONLINE is sweet...just get this game

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i saw a trailer for the ds it looks like a cool idea but im probaly not gonna get it