The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks

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spiderpig24's picture
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At Nintendo's GDC 09 conference, they unveiled a trailer for the new Zelda title, named The Legend of Zelda Spirits Tracks....for the DS. Not much has been said about the game but there is some gameplay footage in the trailer. I hope this wasn't the game Nintendo was talking about at E3, I want another Zelda for the Wii. But it's still Zelda, so I'm happy. They are probably saving all of the major Wii announcements for E3.

The trailer can be seen here:

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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Yay another Zelda game!!!!!!?

Steve's picture
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crap! now i have to get a DS!...or DSI

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billeh123's picture
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So it doesn't appear to be a sequal to Phantom Hourglass with Zelda looking the way she does. But there may be story that explains it. We shall see and hopefully soon.

neder's picture
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it doesn't look better than phantom hourglass but it looks like a sequel to phantom hourglass

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

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phantomphenoix's picture
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I have never been a fan to the DS and 2D versions of LOZ, but I think that the one's on the consoles are amazing. that is just my preference.

neder's picture
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if you've played the windwaker on the game cube then you would love the phantom hourglass and the ds version is 3d not 2d and i agree the console versions are amazing because they are a lot longer. it took me about 3-4 hours to complete the phantom hourglass

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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Luigi's picture
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i think its cool

Steve's picture
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train in zelda time, your pushing the time zone

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billeh123's picture
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I agree. Trains are a strange and unneeded element. I hope they introduce them in a cool way.

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have you played the game yet? i think not! so no one beside nintendo knows wether trains are an unneeded element or not so it could be cool. or it might be the new way you travel around the different areas in the game

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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dangled039's picture
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lol, you guys have huge tunnel vision. all you see is link riding a train where as you if you step back, you will get excited because there is simply a new zelda game. who cares about the train? its ZELDA!

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but it.. SHELL SHADED! now i have to play the bagillion other ones so i know what's going on! lol

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brawler9686's picture
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Thats pretty cool but I never played phatom hourglass so I want to try phatom hourglass first.

billeh123's picture
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I am excited that there is a new Zelda game. Trains or not. But the worst part of Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass was the introduction of the boat. It will still be good.