The Conduit Rated Teen

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spiderpig24's picture
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It has been confirmed that the Conduit wiil use WiiSpeak and be rated teen for violence and some blood.

EDIT: The link won't work.

computeace's picture
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Alucard Hellsing
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Steve's picture
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w00t sweet now i hope it's not babyed down tog et that rating

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Lostman1027's picture
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Awww.cmon....I want an M game on the Wii.

bleu's picture
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lol lostman

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I win

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i thought it was gonna be M but now that its T im gonna get it
yay Voice Chat
BTW can someone Pm me and tell me wat this game is about cause i havent been paying attention cause i thought it would be M thanks!

Steve's picture
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by the screen shots it loosk like a halo type game, alein fps

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

Alucard Hellsing
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oh how original if anyone besides me regularly watches zero puncuation i'm sure yatzee will love this game

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dangled039's picture
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Ugh, that sucks, I was looking foreward to a decant M rated game on the Wii, oh well, i guess it could be worse.

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Greenbamboo's picture
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wow. I admit, i was totaly wrong

i had said that there is no way this game will be T

I noticed somthing, the press realese mentioned wii speak. Will it be sold with the game, or just before the game comes out? IF it does not come with the game, what kind of price range are WII (haha) talking here?

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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dude, good M rated game on Wii?

Resident Evil 4

I dont mind that its teen, as long as its not noticably dumbed down from an originally M game

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wiilikepi's picture
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At least with it rated T I might be able to get it.

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"you're lying," said the deaf man.

Alucard Hellsing
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me too =D

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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me 3

Alucard Hellsing
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me 2x2

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dangled039's picture
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well, i never liked the resident evil series, and madworld doesnt interest me one bit. its all a matter of taste.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

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spiderpig24's picture
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You can make a control scheme that you would like to see in The Conduit and send it to them and they might make it a preset control scheme in the game.

The contest rules are simple. Using a standard Wii remote and nunchuk combination, fans should send in what control mapping they think would be best for the following functions:

1. Move Forward/Back
2. Strafe Left/Right
3. Jump/Activate
4. Shoot Weapon
5. Target Lock
6. Crouch
7. Reload Weapon
8. Scope/Binocular Mode
9. Switch Between Weapons Carried
10. Switch Between Grenades Carried
11. Pause Menu
12. Swap Between Weapon Carried and Weapon on Ground
13. Equip ASE (All-Seeing-Eye) / Special
14. Aim Reticule/Turn Camera
15. Melee Attack
16. Throw Grenade

Go to this link if you want to find out more.

Dude129's picture
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I will so get conduit now.

Hey check out my awesome website at

Trombone_Hero's picture
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This is exciting! This means i'll actually be able to buy it without my parents! =)

Alucard Hellsing
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whooooo virtually high five

And that's my two cents

The Cake is a Lie