The Conduit

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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I just want a head count as to who is going to buy The Conduit and another head count (that's two seperate votes) as to who thinks the graphics will be comparable to a 360 title.

I vote for both. My friend with a 360 says that the Wii won't be able to do it, so I just want to prove him wrong, and I'm gonna buy the game because I'm a huge FPS fan.

Cheers :)

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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I don't think they compare to the 360 at all (yet)
but the development team says they want it running at 60 frames per second when it releases so my opinion might change. As for buying it, I give a hearty very yes. At this point, i'll pretty much buy any games thats not just some crappy minigames put together

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spiderpig24's picture
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I'm going to buy the game because I like FPS games. I also do think that it will be comparable to a 360 title when it is finished. Now the game is only running at 30 fps and when it is finished it should be running at 60 fps. High Voltage also stated that they wanted to get far enough into the game before they get a publisher so a publisher doesn't mess with the game.

dangled039's picture
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I cant wait for this game!! I am definately going to buy it, and I think that it will be comparable to the 360.

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Greenbamboo's picture
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i think this "compareable to 360 graphics" is pure bogus... Thats what High Voltage says, of course they are gonna say the graphics will be good, they want people to buy the game! Besides, when it all comes down to it, the main thing is sheer power.
Just a general example: The wii runs at 243 mhz. The 360 runs at 500 mhz

not to mention look at the size of the wii compared to the 360. Do you think that Microsoft filled all the rest of the room with hot air? there is just much more in there. Overall, the 360 is simply a faster, more powerful (but not necessarily better) computer, and no new-fangled engine for the wii is going to change that. They are already running the 360 to it's fullest, and running the wii to its fullest is just not as powerful. Sorry guys, but that's just the way it is.

now the wii is a great system, and it is better than the 360 in general, but not in this arena

As for conduit, it seems like a great game, but don't get too excited, remember, the only people who told us that the game would have really good graphics were the people making the game.

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

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The Conduit now has a release date for the US. According to Ign, it has a release date of Q1 2009.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Unfortunately, all of those people who said the graphics won't be as good may be right. I've seen some of the best and smoothest 360 titles (e.x. Bioshock, Halo 3, Gears of War) and they look pretty amazing. I still think that The Conduit will be able to compare to a 360 title, I personally think it may be one of the 'not so nice looking' titles. I watched a trailer (of sorts) for the game, and although it looks pretty (much like MP3C), it doesn't really pop out at you. Furthermore someone pointed out that it's only running on half the expected frame rate (30fps to 60fps), if the walls look pixelated, you can't help that with speed.

I know I want it to look as good as possible, and it may, I just want to point out that the 360 definately has much higher standards. Even the crappy games for the 360 look decent, while the crappy games for Wii look, well, crappy. Some games for Wii look decent, but I hope to see The Conduit with the best possible graphics available for the Wii, and that may just reach into the category of a decent 360 game. Despite the fact that I hope it looks as nice as Bioshock (which I doubt extremely), we shouldn't be too negative or positive at this stage and time. We may get lucky and it may look like GH3 for 360 (not great but not bad either; decent).

Although I really really want it to look nicer than Bioshock.

Cheers :)

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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just in case you guys were interested, 15 new screens of the game were just released to the public.
they look good for a wii game (who hasnt heard that before?)
but still nothing to bioshock or resistance. yet, im still amazingly excited for this Q1 2009 release

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spiderpig24's picture
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Those screens are really cool. I hope this game is zapper compatible.

Yelinyellow's picture
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Geezz I hope it's not rated M. It looks so cool. I hope that it'll be zapper compatable, but if it's rated M I'm screwed My mom will not let me play rated M games

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Im sorry yellow
It WILL! be rated M

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why do they give such good games M ratings seriously Halo, Assasins Creed, No More Heroes all rated M all great Games.
Ohh well i guess I'll keep playing Brawl and Mario Kart while everyone else is playing the Conduit

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dangled039's picture
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Sucks, im sorry that you can't play M rated games.

I am in a weird situation with M rated games, if I go to the store with my mom and ask her if its alright to buy an M rated game, she will say no. But if I go with my dad, he will say yes. It's funny, so hopefully I will be with my dad when I buy the conduit.

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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because those games deserve m ratings. they dont throw the letter on there just cause theyre good games. idk if youve even seen screenshots of the combat in no more heroes, but its pretty obviously not kid friendly man.

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ok so mabey that one deserves an M rating but Halo c'mon there is no body parts being dismantled just killing aliens.
Halo is our preparation for an alien invasion

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Greenbamboo's picture
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i would just like to say that Yes, Halo IS gory, i dont know if you played it or not but some of the things in there are definitely enough to give the game an overall M rating. Besides, arms coming off when you shoot people is not the only thing taken into account when the rating is designed. There is other stuff in there...

I dont mind that particular game so much however, due to the fact that i have a thing about realistic people killing other people in realistic ways with realistic weapons. I think there is a distinction between that and futuristic Sci-fi people killing aliens with Sci-fi weapons.
So yes the game has enough gore to be classified as a game for mature audiences (which are the kinds of games i generally try to steer away from buying because that kind of stuff is just depressing for me) but i agree that it is not as bad as the other games mentioned.

Well, that was my opinion that no one cares about.
Look how far off topic i have gone...
sorry guys!

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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i totally agree with you green bamboo
halo is scifi fun but i havent and dont plan on playing games like call of duty 4. there are real men and women out there risking and losing their lives and to recreate that is sad to me. halo, while sometimes gory and usually violent, is a video game. not a war recreation.

ps 200TH POST

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Ok, I think maybe they might be able to push the graphics to the Wii limit, but still not be equal with the best 360 titles. If those are the real finished screenshots, then it's not all that impressive. It's not much better than other games I've seen.

EDIT: Watch this, I'm not sure if they are telling the truth, but it's pretty impressive if it's real.

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spiderpig24's picture
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That is real. They are using the engine that made that to make The Conduit. The screenshots don`t look near as good as the trailer. The game looks better in motion.

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Answering to two problems:

The first. About the Rating M game. As an avid gamer, I feel that rating shouldn't stop me from being able to play entertaining and challenging games. I just don't. It's only a game, and whether it's bloody or gory, those are just pixels. The fact is, I've played Halo against flood (which is probably where the blood and gore comes from) Gears of War (chainsaw, self-explanatory) and Deadrising (killing zombies 24/7), all rated M. They are good games, and what I feel is happening in the game and how realistic they make the game doesn't stop me from wanting to enjoy it. As a hardcore gamer, I feel that rating is meaningless when you are looking for a good straight challenge. Rating pretty much only applies when you have 6 - 8 year olds watching you play Mortal Kombat. It's a warning, telling you what the content of the game is and what kind of problems it may cause for younger games. In a nutshell, I'm 15, and rating ain't stopping me from buying the Conduit.

And about the vid posted, the graphics look good but still a I guess that doesn't really help, but to me, the graphics look like everything is made using a box, nothing flows and the colour is....stiff. Maybe it would look a lot better in HD, but so far, I don't think it can compare to a true 360 title, but it's definately on its way.

Cheers :)

phantomphenoix's picture
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This game looks pretty good. I have played Halo before so I might get this game.

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Jezzz!! i checked out the link and looked at the pictures the ones in the top left hand corner, there are 60 of them, and thats just plain depressing!

The gameplay pictures look like sub standard ps2 graphics!!!!!!

The game itself better look a hell of a lot better than those, because according to high voltage, the game is supposed to be the best lookin game for the wii!

ok guys, look at the pictures and tell me what YOU think

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

BRAWLER9612's picture
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I dont really care bout the graphics in the conduit.
As long as they arent too bad (N64).
If that happened, I wouldnt, but this game seems like another Metroid Prime (way better weapons,stages,and storyline)

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i think it will be interesting to see i think the wii can do it

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i agree with yelinyellow I was excited abou MGS4 and i cant get it cuz it has strong language it was. the same thing with CoD4 i hope conduit is teen

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In an interview with the software development director of HVS, they were asked about The Conduit's multiplayer modes. He responded "Splitscreen multiplayer, ot this version." I wonder what yhey mean by "this version". A sequel would be really cool if this game is as good as what it looks like it's going to be.

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The Conduit looks like its going to be one of the best games on Wii. Its going to have online play and they just announced that its going to work with Wii Speak. I e-mailed Nyko asking them to make a headset hopefully they do before The conduit comes out.

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I'll buy it if I'm allowed...

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I'm gonna disagree with Bamboo, the screenshots look like a glorified XBOX game, a lot like Halo 2. That's 1 version away from Halo 3. It looks like Halo 2. It looks better than Unreal Championship and it blows Halo 1 out of the water in terms of graphics.

Cheers :)

Alucard Hellsing
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im going ti buy this if i have the money and its not M

And that's my two cents

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