Star Wars: Republic Commando

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bleu's picture
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 27 weeks ago.

Hey, sorry this isn't wii, but I want to tell you anyways.

Does anyone have Star Wars Republic Commando? I think it's only for Xbox and PC. When it first came out I really wanted it, but I didn't get it, but I just got it 2 weeks ago for PC and it was really fun! It had a good, really fun story mode, even though it was short. But besides it having a good story mode, the great thing about it is it has a free online multiplayer mode! And it's not at all like Wii Wi-Fi. When I click multiplayer and join match, it takes less than 5 seconds to show all the matches going on. There's no lag, even though it's like 2 years old, and it barely takes any time to load levels! I've only had it freeze on me 1 time so far. It still has tons of people playing it on multiplayer, and the many levels are big and detailed. There are 4 different kinds of multiplayer matches too, and you can chat, team chat, and pre-recorded voice chat in the voices of a clone guy. Over all, the story mode is really fun, and the multiplayer is outstanding (ignoring Xbox live). So you should get it.

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Steve's picture
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star wars games = perfect for wii's. why not? lol

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

Advent's picture
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yeah like the should make a secound tfu and a fps like battle front or republic commando

p.s i played demo ur right awesome


neder's picture
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battle front was a tps (third person shooter) and i think the new star wars game looks awesome

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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