SSBB best and worst Final Smash

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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In SSBB which final smash do u guys think are the best, worst,and if you want moderate.

Squirtle's best move is B-Down

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bleu's picture
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I think Samus, Snake, Sonic, and Fox/Wolf/Falco are the best so far that I can think of. Worst are the ones that do almost no damage, last for a tiny ammount of time, or have to be right next to the target.

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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i think the best is sonic or ike
worst pikachu(if u know how to control its ok)
or meta knight

Squirtle's best move is B-Down

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Lostman1027's picture
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I think Olimar's is stupid because the ship has to fall right on the person or nothing really happens. And while the space ship is up, you can still move and dodge it. The best are Ike's and Sonic's. The most fun is Snake's. O and Lucario's and Peaches are even worse!

Poppa Trizzle
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Ganon= Amazing
Lucario= Balla
Link/Toon Link= Ridiculous
Peach= Terrible
Jigglypuff= wow...useless

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DKs is pretty bad...

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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Sonic's is the best and by far the cheapest. the worst i dont know, but marios is really lame, and peachs is too, but jigglypuffs' is too hilarious to make fun of. it also makes this

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Worst: King DeeDeeDee or Luigi

billeh123's picture
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King Dedede's is really good. It is almost impossible to avoid. Lucario's is ok if the enemy is close to the center. The instant kill ones are good, if you have good timing. Peach's is the worst. Snake's is really fun. Pit's, Lucas's, and Ness's are alright. They are easy to avoid, but if they hit, they do alot of damage. Olimar's does the most damage, but rarely KOs. Jigglypuff's is good for edge guarding or on small stages, but other than that, and the Gigga Jiggly thing, it sux. Samus's is nice if used right, but Zero Suit Samus's is horrible. Luigi's is nice if you can corner the enemy. All the rest are pretty average.