Rock Band Wii 5 Extra Songs

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ss4444gogeta's picture
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If you haven't heard, Rock Band Wii is getting 5 extra songs. They weren't revealed until a few days ago. They are as followed:

"Dirty Little Secret" - The All American Rejects
"Don't Look Back in Anger" - Oasis
"Roam" - The B-52's
"Rockaway Beach" - The Ramones
"Roxanne" - The Police

All of these songs are already downloadable on the PS3 and the 360. So....not so bonus songs. Here's a link:

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ss4444gogeta's picture
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This topic ended up just like my last one. No other comments.

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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just another reason not to waste 170 dollars on a crappy version of rock band

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Caltus's picture
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i cant imagine Rockband will sell well on the wii, i didnt think GH would without DLC though but that is alot cheaper so we will see, but yea waste of money in my book.


HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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i totally agree man, i was totally psyched to see rock band would come out on the wii, but after dlc was cancelled, one of the main parts of rock band, i decided i wouldnt blow that much money on it

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bowhunter11's picture
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i love rock band and when i heard that it was coming out for the Wii i started saving up my money but then when i found out there was no Wiiconnect24 now i not going to get it just becouse of no Wiiconnect24

i love play the Wii i think it is the greatest thing ever
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Napoleon's picture
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i'm buying it anyway. i have two little brothers and we can rock out this way. My friend has it for ps3 and doesn't play it anyway

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Sharkboy's picture
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but guitar hero on wii is getting dlc if u haven't heard so thats a good reason 2 stay with guitar hero over rock band. I'd only get rock band for parties and for friends.

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They can say we will see DLC all they want, as ive said before when it comes to Wii Connect 24 i dont hold my breath, not too mention the inadequate storage space.....i know it seems i knock the wii alot but its only the online capabilities that are such a disappointment


Dodo_JZ's picture
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I know you all are complaining, but I might get the game. My friend has RockBand and hasn't has his XBox Live hooked up since me bought the game, but we played it anyway. Even though you can't download songs, it makes a great party game, and it's still fun, so whoever says they don't like it, probably won't really care considering my friend says the online isn't really worth it. I would like to see the price of rockband down to 130 maybe considering all of the feature that we don't get because of no DLC, but it is still worth getting (and is an even better chick magnet than the Wii itself (considering my friend's sister is addicted to drums)).

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FrostyWampa's picture
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The only song I'm familiar with of those 5 is Dirty Little Secret. I hate that song.

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Dude129's picture
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Oh come on Dirty Little Secret is a good song(but not good enough to make me buy rock band).

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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I'd almost (ALMOST) rather hear soulja boy again than hear dirty little secret. In either event, i will puncture my own ear drums, provided the music doesnt for me.

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Dude129's picture
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Wow I guess you really don't like Dirty Little Secret.

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yeah :/
i wont hate you if you like it though, so no worries!

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