Rock Band 2

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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Hey guys!
I just got Rock Band 2 for my birthday, and was wondering what you all think about it.

I was excited to be able to actually own a Rock Band game and able to get a new expeirience and also excited that the guitar hero instruments (wii) work with 2!

post your reveiws/comments please

moneyr's picture
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In one of the old eps. they said that activistion was not going to let it work for diffrent company's but my friend got guitar hero world tour for the 360 and i all ready had rock band 1 for the 360 and i hooked it up and it work the same way the only thing that didn't work was the slider board on guitar hero didn't work for band

Camper's picture
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dude moneyr your reply is waaaaaay off topic

Alucard Hellsing
Alucard Hellsing's picture
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guitar hero is better i mean for cods sake you icon is sonic playing guitar hero really supersonic i expected better from you

And that's my two cents

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